7 months post Apronectomy

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Taking a long scenic route!
Jan 23, 2014
New Mexico USA
Well. Things haven't gone to plan, as they NEVER do with me. (bitter and resentful much? YES!)

When things go wrong, I go quiet. I dig deep into myself to get through my ****, whereas normal people reach out for help. I do everything backwards.

Aug 5, 2016 I had a large hernia (Ernie) repair and apronectomy. Not living with Ernie is good, but his shenanigans left me with a hiatal hernia (oh joy). The biomesh seems to be holding well and that wound from bottom of breast down to pelvis healed up within 2 weeks.

Apronectomy wound looked great at a week out....then it opened up, got infected and basically went to ****. I've been stuffed like a turkey, had antibiotics that tore me up and been on a wound vac. Finally at 7 months post op, I am hopeful. I still have a bit of an open wound, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and its not an oncoming train for once.

Because of complications I have had to put off my having my right hip replaced and right knee being replaced.

In the meantime, I flirted dangerously with malnutrition and that probably had an effect on healing, but I got a handle on it nearly immediately and the surgeon promises I am not the cause of my open wound.

My ferritin and other iron markers have tanked and it sucks. Im exhausted all the time and so dizzy it is unreal. I got an urgent referral to a haematologist with an appointment end of April at which time I MAY get signed up for infusions.

During healing I was put on a high cal diet that included carbs so the body could utilise protein (180-220g a day!) and now it's time to reign the diet in...it's going to be HARD. SUPER HARD! But I'm kinda proud of myself that in over 7 months of eating over 4000 cals and a crap ton of carbs, I've managed to keep weight gain to 15lbs. It has gone higher, but I always got it back under control. Now that Im nearly healed I have to find a way to get my appetite back into shape.

I can't exercise due to chronic anemia...and I want to exercise SO BAD!

I don't even know what Im saying. Im tired. Exhausted. Life isn't fair. I thought all the complications with my DS would help fate dictate that I deserve some free passes. Yeah, not so much.

So yeah. I don't regret any of my surgical decisions but by god Im envious of others having surgery left right and centre never having a single issue.
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Roo, you will get there and be stronger for all your issues. You fight for yourself.

But what in the hell is with you and ending up on a wound vac...this is your second rodeo on one of those. STOP IT, woman!!! NO more of those things, EVER. Now heal.
I such a pro at wound care that the district nurses have only been attending once a week for months now. I know how to stuff, dress and clean my wound to the extent that I would pass any practical exam lol. I even know when to use certain dressings if the wound has changed. The only reason I still have the nurses is once you are under their care they have a duty of care to make sure I don't get an infection. Im SO CLOSE to being healed up. SO CLOSE! I can't wait until the mental gymnastics start so I can get over this trauma and prepare for my next op.

I swear, Im never going to feel like a normal person should. In all of this, Im getting older and bio clock is SCREAMING at me, but fate wont listen.

Sorry for being such a negative nancy when I do post and for not being around for much. Dealing with all of this I have had to go deep within myself to fight off depression. I succeeded fighting off the deep dark crap, but the superficial crap is still there. Meh.

I keep telling myself what is meant for me, will be. But I want a baby dang it and I will be 40 in just over a year!
I keep telling myself what is meant for me, will be. But I want a baby dang it and I will be 40 in just over a year!
I wanted babies too...closest I got was my two step daughters. Some of us have our family that way. At 62 and not having had the baby hotel since I was 39, I know that dh's kids are the closest I will ever get. Tough to come to terms with but I did decades ago now.

Get yourself totally well first. Then see what life brings.
Roo! Nice to hear from you, though I wish the news were better. You are in my thoughts and I hope you have swift healing from here out. Sounds to me like you need an infusion yesterday. Is there no way a GP could run some basic labs to expedite the possibility instead of waiting for a specialist?
Roo! Nice to hear from you, though I wish the news were better. You are in my thoughts and I hope you have swift healing from here out. Sounds to me like you need an infusion yesterday. Is there no way a GP could run some basic labs to expedite the possibility instead of waiting for a specialist?

This IS the fast track lol. Im sure once I actually get in the system things should move a bit quicker. Im just shocked at how exhausted I am yet I can't seem to sleep more than 6 hours at a time. Its some weird exhausted insomnia madness! My GP is actually the one who sent the urgent referral!

Im sure I will be fine, but sometimes I just want to stomp around and scream not fair NOT FAIR! Cos its not. I have comically bad luck!
Roo! I've missed you, and I'm sorry you are (yet again!) the princess of complications. It does seem like if anything is going to happen, it happens to you. I hope you will heal quickly from here on out and get those infusions and feel better ... and then move on to joint replacements with NO COMPLICATIONS. You have exhausted your quota of complications and no more will be permitted.
I've missed you too! Very sorry to hear of all the issues. I hope you are finally on the road to getting better.

I never did the baby thing either and no regrets. The man I was married to was a good guy but he was very lazy and I would have had to do the lion's share of working, house work, and child care. And I knew it! Plus I was deathly afraid I would have a fat kid, doomed to the same suffering I went through. My whole family was fat and so was a good part of his!
You are rocking on Chica. It seems like the stuff that the Doc gave you for woundzilla, a few weeks back, really seems to be working, right? Hopefully it is fully healed before you come state side this summer and I hope you can get your iron infusion by then as well. Once you get woundzilla gone you will be on to the other stuff and rocking that. As always, you push on and do it well so keep up the good work my friend.
Yes Scott, the steroid flesh killer cream did the job! My side slash was over granulating and there was more inside flesh than skin...so that killed the over granulation and today the side slash is HEALED! It's still new skin that I have to be gentle with, but no dressings! Now I just need the little centre hole to get its act together and woundzilla will be a distant memory :)
Unfortunately Im a hot mess. It was not cosmetic at all and I traded one disfiguration for another, but Im more functional and comfortable now.
Roo, you need to see this picture. If I ever trip over a bunch of money I would just go there and stay till I was brand new. https://www.plasticsurgeonnewportbe...otos/orange-county-total-body-lift/patient-1/

I have looked at a lot of panniculectomy pics and some of them look as good as a full abdominoplasty. And others just served to create a new but still critically disfigured look. I keep on checking this out because I have a hernia that needs to be fixed and my panni does meet medicare guidelines to be lopped off. I keep hoping I will be able to find a doc who will do the work and not just leave me looking more disfigured.
wow @Munchkin I need to show Dr. K and ask can he hook me up like that?

I have a question about CA reconstruction policy. is there a way to qualify for that requirement because you temporary live there. like if I move there for 3 months during my recovery could I qualify? if I move in with my uncle? I'm sure Dr. K knows how to write up request to get the approved but just wondering?
wow @Munchkin I need to show Dr. K and ask can he hook me up like that?

I have a question about CA reconstruction policy. is there a way to qualify for that requirement because you temporary live there. like if I move there for 3 months during my recovery could I qualify? if I move in with my uncle? I'm sure Dr. K knows how to write up request to get the approved but just wondering?
Talk to the expert. Diana! I am pretty sure you have to establish residency and have stuff like a DL and bills/mail.

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