Taking a long scenic route!
Well. Things haven't gone to plan, as they NEVER do with me. (bitter and resentful much? YES!)
When things go wrong, I go quiet. I dig deep into myself to get through my ****, whereas normal people reach out for help. I do everything backwards.
Aug 5, 2016 I had a large hernia (Ernie) repair and apronectomy. Not living with Ernie is good, but his shenanigans left me with a hiatal hernia (oh joy). The biomesh seems to be holding well and that wound from bottom of breast down to pelvis healed up within 2 weeks.
Apronectomy wound looked great at a week out....then it opened up, got infected and basically went to ****. I've been stuffed like a turkey, had antibiotics that tore me up and been on a wound vac. Finally at 7 months post op, I am hopeful. I still have a bit of an open wound, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and its not an oncoming train for once.
Because of complications I have had to put off my having my right hip replaced and right knee being replaced.
In the meantime, I flirted dangerously with malnutrition and that probably had an effect on healing, but I got a handle on it nearly immediately and the surgeon promises I am not the cause of my open wound.
My ferritin and other iron markers have tanked and it sucks. Im exhausted all the time and so dizzy it is unreal. I got an urgent referral to a haematologist with an appointment end of April at which time I MAY get signed up for infusions.
During healing I was put on a high cal diet that included carbs so the body could utilise protein (180-220g a day!) and now it's time to reign the diet in...it's going to be HARD. SUPER HARD! But I'm kinda proud of myself that in over 7 months of eating over 4000 cals and a crap ton of carbs, I've managed to keep weight gain to 15lbs. It has gone higher, but I always got it back under control. Now that Im nearly healed I have to find a way to get my appetite back into shape.
I can't exercise due to chronic anemia...and I want to exercise SO BAD!
I don't even know what Im saying. Im tired. Exhausted. Life isn't fair. I thought all the complications with my DS would help fate dictate that I deserve some free passes. Yeah, not so much.
So yeah. I don't regret any of my surgical decisions but by god Im envious of others having surgery left right and centre never having a single issue.
When things go wrong, I go quiet. I dig deep into myself to get through my ****, whereas normal people reach out for help. I do everything backwards.
Aug 5, 2016 I had a large hernia (Ernie) repair and apronectomy. Not living with Ernie is good, but his shenanigans left me with a hiatal hernia (oh joy). The biomesh seems to be holding well and that wound from bottom of breast down to pelvis healed up within 2 weeks.
Apronectomy wound looked great at a week out....then it opened up, got infected and basically went to ****. I've been stuffed like a turkey, had antibiotics that tore me up and been on a wound vac. Finally at 7 months post op, I am hopeful. I still have a bit of an open wound, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and its not an oncoming train for once.
Because of complications I have had to put off my having my right hip replaced and right knee being replaced.
In the meantime, I flirted dangerously with malnutrition and that probably had an effect on healing, but I got a handle on it nearly immediately and the surgeon promises I am not the cause of my open wound.
My ferritin and other iron markers have tanked and it sucks. Im exhausted all the time and so dizzy it is unreal. I got an urgent referral to a haematologist with an appointment end of April at which time I MAY get signed up for infusions.
During healing I was put on a high cal diet that included carbs so the body could utilise protein (180-220g a day!) and now it's time to reign the diet in...it's going to be HARD. SUPER HARD! But I'm kinda proud of myself that in over 7 months of eating over 4000 cals and a crap ton of carbs, I've managed to keep weight gain to 15lbs. It has gone higher, but I always got it back under control. Now that Im nearly healed I have to find a way to get my appetite back into shape.
I can't exercise due to chronic anemia...and I want to exercise SO BAD!
I don't even know what Im saying. Im tired. Exhausted. Life isn't fair. I thought all the complications with my DS would help fate dictate that I deserve some free passes. Yeah, not so much.
So yeah. I don't regret any of my surgical decisions but by god Im envious of others having surgery left right and centre never having a single issue.
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