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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Looking through this STUFF I have to purge, I was reminded of my FIRST visit to Chicago.

I believe my party and I visited a Trader Vic’s, but…more importantly , the one-and-only Math Igler’s German Restaurant (sometimes “Casino,”) with singing waiters in lederhosen and a menu that, today, would be condemned by most medical specialties.

Anyone ever see, or hear of these Chicago restaurants?


And from a 1950s menu…THE PRICES!!

Well, I went to Chicago a long time ago. I went with my BFF. Her dad drove us there and we took a train back to Ohio. I was in my junior year. We thought we were so cool and sophisticated when we went to the smoker's car and smoked our cigarettes.

The second time was in 2019. It was incredibly wonderful. I don't remember any of the names of the places we ate at, but we definitely enjoyed all of them even if the prices were nowhere like those in your 1950 menu. My biggest objective was to see Marshall Field. OMG It was so disappointing. It had been bought by Macy's. I've seen nicer K-Marts. The river cruise made up for the disappointing trip to Marshall Field. I loved seeing all the older and newer architecture.
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I like(d) Sue the Dinosaur at the Field Museum…and there’s a museum of Mexican Art (where I made a slightly obscene joke) and the Du Sable museum and Chicago Historical Society Tours…nerd-out much, Sue?…and Top of the Cock for lunch or dinner! I always LURED MrSue there with promises of the Chicago Ducks tours…and we always went out of season! (He FINALLY got to go on a Ducks tour in Wisconsin!)
I was there for a convention for my service organization, hence I was busy during the day. Our hotel was close to the Navy Pier. We felt pretty safe walking to nearby restaurants for dinner. DH found things to amuse himself during the day. We stayed an extra two days after the convention ended so that we could do tourist stuff.

Sadly, we're both ambling around with canes. I don't see any more trips like that. Our recent trip to NC was to a small town. It was doable. I want to create memories with low activities before we get to the point that we can't do day trips.
We only visited Chicago once. Went while daughter was a junior on college trips. Looking at a college there. All I remember is finally getting a real Chicago pizza.
We were looking forward to real Chicago pizza. We found a small place. It wasn't a famous deep dish pizza, but it was definitely impressive. I was also lucky to get a Chicago hot dog. But better than a famous hotdog, was Chicago roast beef.
Chicago is very accessible and so much to do and see. Come visit! Math Igler's looks like it was fantastic! My favorite German restaurant was (sigh at past tense) the Brauhaus in Lincoln Square, which closed about five years ago. I can't narrow down restaurant tips because there is so much good food here, but my best recommendation for visitors is the architectural boat tour. Of the museums, my favorite is the Museum of Science and Industry. I do sometimes head over to the student cafeteria at the Art Institute for oddly delicious, inexpensive lunch, and the exhibits there are great. I rue the day that Macy's took over Marshall Fields (another sigh). Also, Cabaret Zazou is my latest favorite thing.
I was there for a convention for my service organization, hence I was busy during the day. Our hotel was close to the Navy Pier. We felt pretty safe walking to nearby restaurants for dinner. DH found things to amuse himself during the day. We stayed an extra two days after the convention ended so that we could do tourist stuff.

Sadly, we're both ambling around with canes. I don't see any more trips like that. Our recent trip to NC was to a small town. It was doable. I want to create memories with low activities before we get to the point that we can't do day trips.

Yeah, well, YOU’RE not moving into the Home for the Perpetually Bewildered tomorrow and we are! Rollators for me. My right arm/shoulder cannot support a cane right now!
I grew up in Indianapolis, and we took several field trips to the Museum of Science and Industry. My high school band also travelled there and performed the National Anthem for a White Sox game. Oh, and I went to Boot Camp at Great Lakes. Mostly good memories.
I grew up in Indianapolis, and we took several field trips to the Museum of Science and Industry. My high school band also travelled there and performed the National Anthem for a White Sox game. Oh, and I went to Boot Camp at Great Lakes. Mostly good memories.
MrSue is a Hoosier. In a couple of months, we will be celebrating (?) our 50th Anniversary. Since we knew each other only two weeks when we got married, it’s kind of a big deal!
Yeah, well, YOU’RE not moving into the Home for the Perpetually Bewildered tomorrow and we are! Rollators for me. My right arm/shoulder cannot support a cane right now!
I'm sorry to hear this. I'm supposed to go to Bellevue WA for a convention like the one in Chicago. It's going to be a challenge. I'll need to rent a mobility scooter and have help at the airports. I feel like this may be my last big hurrah. I'm going to to put the non-emergency phone number of our police department in my contacts. DH is falling way too often. His last one was a doozy. He fell onto a metal chair and bruised the left side of his face. No fractures or concussion, but it looks awful. We have a garage door opener with a code. If DH doesn't answer my phone calls, I'll call the police for a wellness check. Reading this and/or just thinking about actually going through with this trip is realistic or if I'm just going through my hyperbole/jacked up anxiety. The trip is scheduled for the last week in June. I have few weeks to think about it. I tend to over worry and then everything turns out okay.

Yesterday we went to the bank and added each other to our separate accounts. You know, just in case one of us needs access to each other's accounts without going through a hassle after one of us dies. I waiver between this being a logical step that won't need to be acted upon anytime soon and panicking from my morbid thoughts. No doubt all this **** contributed to my epic meltdown I posted about earlier. I'm under a bit less distress since then having taken some action to remove some stressors. I really thought this **** wouldn't hit me at my age of 72. Hell, I even have a hard time accepting that I am 72.

I'll be thinking about you and Mr. Sue as you navigate these changes.
Navigating is hell, even accepting that we need these changes are hard.

We have spent most of the last year turning our 80+ year old house into a smart home. We started with Apple Watches that had fall detection on them. If we fall and don’t respond to it, it will call 911 on our behalf.

We set up Home Pods in both bedrooms so we can access Siri from the shared bathroom, The one place we don’t wear the watch is the shower.

Charles tested the Casada light switch, the daughter in Tampa could turn on and off our kitchen lights. She can also open the garage door. The only thing she can’t do is put the Chihuahua in the crate so the 911 folks can get in safely. Although our Sheriff has met said mutt! He lives down the street from us.
Those are some things to think about. About the chichihua, that reminded me of a time I was on leave from the Air Force. My dad was terminal from his cancer and needed to be taken to the hospital. All the EMTs were Dad's co-workers from the fire department. That time I was there, we had to put Dad's poodle in the bathroom. That dog was extremely protective of Dad. As hard as it was to see Dad in such a bad state, I can't help but laugh at that dog. He was quite a character.
It was the last week in June when I was there in 2019. They had a massive fireworks show on July 4th at the Navy Peir. I can't stand crowds so we didn't go. Chaos broke out and a few of my friends were crushed in the mob, yet thankfully no serious injuries. I absolutely loved the river architecture cruise. We bought a day pass for the hop-on & hop-off bus. Perfect weather and the bus wasn't too crowded.

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