The long wait......

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I am not in a position to pay myself. Also, since my job is full-time but only a post-doc position, I am also not in a position to take any kind of leave. I am considered a lecturer, but that does not guarantee they will hire me again (after more than 11 years teaching there) once my post-doc expires. The insurance company will have no way to know this; however, that is why I need to get the surgery by the start of summer if at all possible because I may lose all of my insurance in August if they do not rehire me and/or I do not land a full-time teaching job somewhere else. I have good insurance for the first time in my life right now and I want to take advantage of it before I lose it. Also, I have had it for over a year now, so they can't exclude me based on some 6-month requirement that I have the insurance at all. All of that said, I am shaking in my boots about the insurance company denying me. That would devastate me. I'm almost too afraid to rock the boat by appealing the diet requirement. It's bogus, but they can't say I'm not complying.

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