Sunday Weigh In (8/2/2015)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Last week 142
This week 142

Staying put still. I've been having trouble sleeping (mostly due to my back). My dh takes an over the counter sleep aid found at last night I tried it. Not sure if I was just tired and would have slept anyway or it actually helped. Thinking of trying it tonight.

I do know lack of restorative sleep can keep you from losing weight. And I don't sleep good most night. Some of it is because of Petris (involving at least 5 cats)

Happy Sunday Liz,
At least you are staying the same but a lack of sleep impacts more then your weight. So sorry you are going through this it sucks to not be able to sleep.

TW: 124

Hopefully this is not a trend. Still under the weather and not properly hydrated. Will start working on that now.

Have a good week

LW: 285.8
TW: 283.0

Still chugging along.

@southernlady I feel you on the sleep thing. My problem is more about self-discipline than trouble sleeping once I get to bed, but I have used (generic) Sonata occasionally and it works like a charm. The doctor who prescribed it to me told me it had a better side-effect profile than Lunesta and Ambien but wasn't as widely prescribed because as a generic it wasn't advertised nearly as much. You might want to get a few and see if you can get a few extra zzz's with that.
Happy Sunday Liz,
At least you are staying the same but a lack of sleep impacts more then your weight. So sorry you are going through this it sucks to not be able to sleep.

TW: 124

Hopefully this is not a trend. Still under the weather and not properly hydrated. Will start working on that now.

Have a good week

PLEASE stay hydrated. Sorry you are still under the weather.
LW: 285.8
TW: 283.0

Still chugging along.

@southernlady I feel you on the sleep thing. My problem is more about self-discipline than trouble sleeping once I get to bed, but I have used (generic) Sonata occasionally and it works like a charm. The doctor who prescribed it to me told me it had a better side-effect profile than Lunesta and Ambien but wasn't as widely prescribed because as a generic it wasn't advertised nearly as much. You might want to get a few and see if you can get a few extra zzz's with that.
You are doing good.

I have tried all the prescription ones...cause insomnia is not a new issue. But none of the prescribed ones worked. Neither did melatonin which my do was fine with me trying.

This one in the Kirkland brand sleep aid is Doxylamine succinate. It is similar to Unisom SleepTabs according to Wikipedia.

Well, going to sleep can be MY fault, staying asleep isn't. I may pick up my electronics as I first go to bed but don't pick them up during a middle of the night potty run unless it's obvious sleep isn't happening. And then there are the nights when I just don't sleep. That has happened more times than I want to remember.

Oh, and for those who MIGHT suggest closing the door with the cats on the outside has never had cats. They want in your room and will sing the song of their people ALL DAMNED NIGHT if they are on the wrong side of the door.
3 Weeks Ago: 193
This Morning: 180
Low for week: 177

I bounce 3-5 pounds during the week but the bottom line is that at 23 months post DS procedure I have lost 13-16 pounds in the last 3 weeks .....and that is on a minimum of 288,000 IU of CREON daily to a max of 360,000 daily (2 with meals & one with snacks).
Man @DSRIGGS 15 pounds in a couple of weeks I think I would be happy. But I remember when I was in the hospital then nursing home. tpn and high calorie shakes id feel like such a looser adverb they would go to weigh he for the week and I had lost more weight! I hope something happens for you soon!
LW: 285.8
TW: 283.0

Still chugging along.

@southernlady I feel you on the sleep thing. My problem is more about self-discipline than trouble sleeping once I get to bed, but I have used (generic) Sonata occasionally and it works like a charm. The doctor who prescribed it to me told me it had a better side-effect profile than Lunesta and Ambien but wasn't as widely prescribed because as a generic it wasn't advertised nearly as much. You might want to get a few and see if you can get a few extra zzz's with that.
Cameron battles insomnia as well and the only thing that kind of works for him is Ambien 10 mg. I say kind of because it doesn't help him get to sleep but he says it helps him stay asleep. He too like you has electronics in hand when in bed before falling asleep and we have tried to get him to stop that because it is Xbox, Laptop with gamers and FaceBook. he has tried all the herbal shit and I say shit because some of it isn't healthy......

I hope you can get some help.

FYI - I get up numerous times a night to crap but I can usually (9/10 times) get back to sleep. I am hoping the night BM"s stop once my system is straightened out (Read nocturnal BM is a sign of malabosorption)>
LW: 237.2
TW: 232.8

Oh, and for those who MIGHT suggest closing the door with the cats on the outside has never had cats. They want in your room and will sing the song of their people ALL DAMNED NIGHT if they are on the wrong side of the door.

This cracked me up. Sorry you are having trouble sleeping though - that part just ain't funny. Lunesta works for me most of the time, but I see you've already been down that road.
My first Sunday sign in. Last on scale before surgery (7/13) 251. Today 214. Is that even possible? No more weigh ins until doctor appointment on 8/12.
Yep. It can come off very quickly early on
LW - 155
TW - 153.2

Not doing anything different except trying to stay on top of my poop issues. It's freaking ridiculous. Have follow up with GI doc tomorrow. My hubby has been consulting Dr. Google and he thinks I might have in addition to motility issues a case of SIBO. The bloating which has been an increasing problem for the last few months no matter what I eat or don't eat...I've always attributed that to my constipation but maybe not. I spend more time looking pregnant lately than not. Also the smell of my gas and poop has gotten stronger. So I will ask the doc about that tomorrow.
Have another back injection procedure in the morning...hopefully I will be done in time to make it to that appt.

We are leaving for vacation Wednesday. I'm a bit nervous about my constipation issues so I'm packing an arsenal. I typically get worse when I travel already. Last summer in Europe I didn't go at all for 9 days. Talk about miserable! I'm bringing my Linzess, stool softeners, laxatives, a big bottle of miralax, and a bottle of my natural calm powdered magnesium.

I am going to relax my diet while on vacation. Im sure we'll be drinking quite a bit. We are going to the Virgin Islands and staying the first 3 days at an all inclusive resort in St. Thomas. From there we go to the British Virginia islands where we will board a sailing yacht for a week. They sent us a preference sheet and we said we eat a protein focused diet and very low carbohydrates. So hopefully we won't make out too bad...but I'm fully expecting I'll gain a few lbs on this trip!
Last week 142
This week 142

Staying put still. I've been having trouble sleeping (mostly due to my back). My dh takes an over the counter sleep aid found at last night I tried it. Not sure if I was just tired and would have slept anyway or it actually helped. Thinking of trying it tonight.

I do know lack of restorative sleep can keep you from losing weight. And I don't sleep good most night. Some of it is because of Petris (involving at least 5 cats)

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I'm sorry your back is giving you issues...:(
PLEASE stay hydrated. Sorry you are still under the weather.

You are doing good.

I have tried all the prescription ones...cause insomnia is not a new issue. But none of the prescribed ones worked. Neither did melatonin which my do was fine with me trying.

This one in the Kirkland brand sleep aid is Doxylamine succinate. It is similar to Unisom SleepTabs according to Wikipedia.

Well, going to sleep can be MY fault, staying asleep isn't. I may pick up my electronics as I first go to bed but don't pick them up during a middle of the night potty run unless it's obvious sleep isn't happening. And then there are the nights when I just don't sleep. That has happened more times than I want to remember.

Oh, and for those who MIGHT suggest closing the door with the cats on the outside has never had cats. They want in your room and will sing the song of their people ALL DAMNED NIGHT if they are on the wrong side of the door.

My cat knows how to open keeping him out! I wish I could upload a video here.
3 Weeks Ago: 193
This Morning: 180
Low for week: 177

I bounce 3-5 pounds during the week but the bottom line is that at 23 months post DS procedure I have lost 13-16 pounds in the last 3 weeks .....and that is on a minimum of 288,000 IU of CREON daily to a max of 360,000 daily (2 with meals & one with snacks).


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