So I am Struggling Again


Yes, that is chocolate covered bacon
Nov 19, 2014
3 weeks ago I was actually up to 191 and then yesterday was down to 175 and I feeling like absolute garbage. I slept until 11 am and then at 5 was tired again so took a nap waking up at 8 pm. I felt just ever so slightly better today but not much.

It was suggested that I started on MCT oil (used in TPN) as it is absorbed very easily so I ordered some and will start when it shows up Monday. I am waiting for labs to trickle in but I will be talking to Dr k when they do and I think I am headed back to taking creon again, albeit at a much reduced dose if I do.

I am hoping this is just my body still trying to fully recover from two surge rise in 30 days of one another and just under 8 weeks ago for the first. All I know is that I am weak as hell and exhausted. ...and I have to get healed so I can work again or financially it is going to be bad....and we aren't far from there now.

As they say on another board where I post (started off as sports board but mainly a bunch of clever smart asses talking about everything now) FML!
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Definitely use the Creon until your weight stabilizes (says the person without MD after her name).
Hahahaha! I probably am going too but the shit burns my guts and I just hate the idea of taking it again (my own mental hurdle to overcome). I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it needs to happens, but it still bothers me because I feel like I am admitting defeat.

I know. I am a dumbass male sometimes.

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I am so sorry to read this, Scott. I hope all this is from having two gut surgeries so close together and that the modified TPN brings you back to feeling going. It is time!
Thinking of you.
I am so sorry to read this, Scott. I hope all this is from having two gut surgeries so close together and that the modified TPN brings you back to feeling going. It is time!
Thinking of you.
Pam you are so sweet to think of me after you just got a bionic hip. I hope you are doing well today and are climbing rock walls with the grands soon
Huh? I told you no more of this shit! But did you listen?
:hmph cat:
Hope things get better for you. And soon!
Yeah I kind of suck at listening sometimes.

Thanks though. I will try harder in the future. :D
attention whoring again...

j/k friend.

Hopefully your body re-sets, the creon gets you over the hump, you get vitamin etc stuff in order, and it's onward and upward from there. Try not to borrow tomorrow's worry (a lesson I have yet to internalize completely and have to remind myself of daily). Positive ju-ju sent your way
I really, really hate that you are feeling so rough, Scott. It's such a drag feeling like crap all the time and it really wears on a person's mental state and makes everything start to be clouded and look hard and unattainable. It sounds like the creon or something similar might be needed for a while. But I also think your double whammy of two surgeries in such a short time has really done a job on your body. I predict that in two more weeks you will see some marked improvement.
damn it Scott - I hate you are feeling so poorly. Please do start the creon and try to get over the hump. Your body has been through it - haven't you had 3 surgeries in the past few months? I can't keep track of me much less you - but was thinking you had the re-do of your DS, then the 2 hernias... hell - that is lots of surgery and gut manipulation.
I wish I had some witty comment or great suggest that would be the magic bullet you need. take it easy, be gentle with yourself and try to heal

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