Osteoporosis 3.0


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
I had my appointment with my endocrinologist and my bone scan has worsened. I did two years of Boniva, two years Forteo, and a year's sabbatical from drugs. So it's back on Boniva.

As bad as that news was, it wasn't really surprising. What was surprising was my doctor is retiring. I really like him; he's very knowledgeable and easy to talk to. The good news is that he referred me to a new doctor that he knows from his time on the faculty of Vanderbilt Medical School. It's reassuring to me that my new doc was educated by someone I respect. Now my only hope is that the new doc is as personable as his professor.
Are you taking K2 with D3? I started high doses of K2 in the form of MK-7. There is a lot of research suggesting it has a role in preserving bone, but it's not definitive yet. Since we need ADEKs anyway, I don't see the harm in using this form. You can find dry K2 as MK-7 in 100 mcg dose by the vitamin company Now.

There may be an additive effect of K2 and D3 in bone health. If you want to delve into the research, this isn't a bad place to start. https://www.researchgate.net/profil...itamin-K-and-Osteoporosis-Myth-or-Reality.pdf
I started out taking K1 for the first 10 years. Then when I was diagnosed with osteopenia (not unusual at age 66) I started exploring nutritional ways to build bone or at least slow down the process. K2 comes in different forms and mk4 and mk7 appear to have a role in bone health, especially when taken with D3, so i am taking 2 100mcg tablets of K2 as mk-7 daily. Apparently K1 is easier to get from food and is converted to K2 in the intestine so we are probably deficient in both. I understand Dr K feels the science isn't there to prove an effect, but I figure it can't hurt to take if you need ADEKs anyway.

I can't take Boniva or Prolia until my dental work (implants) is completed, so I'm doing what I can now. The more I read about atypical fractures of the jaw and thigh and terrible GI issues with Boniva, the more I am hesitating. The plan is to get a shot of Prolia in November and every 6 months thereafter. Estrogen is another way to build bone and a new form of estrogen that doesn't go to the breast, Duavee, is supposed to be good. Can't take until dental work is finished.

I don't feel this is DS related entirely because my nonDS friends are having similar issues at this age.

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