Mexican Surgery and Going it Alone

Hi @HoneyChile,

I also had a bit of a shock when I was told that Dr Ungson would not be performing my surgery. I quickly went into lurk mode here; I have agonized over this decision, did a lot of research, did even more thinking, talked to Nina, talked to my kids, talked to everyone who would listen, checked the reactions here, talked with a few DSers that I know... and I've decided to go through with it. I had originally been offered surgery on the same day as you but I had some work issues pop up and had to delay until October 3rd.

I will be here cheering you on! I am looking forward to hearing of your experiences.
BTW, I had to laugh at "batshit o'clock" :)
@BebeZed I'm glad for you that you are going forward with surgery. Tough decision for sure, on top of the already difficult decision to have surgery in the first place (well, it was difficult for me, at any rate). Best wishes to you both. I am so very hopeful that all will go well and you will be able to reassure others who will follow. Bet you didn't know you were going to be a trailblazer!
Thanks everybody - I was delighted to find this place prior to surgery rather than immediately afterwards. There's some funny stuff on these pages.

This will be my third trip to Mexico for surgery. Alvarez did my sleeve. I researched carefully, I enjoyed my time there - which is saying something when you're talking surgery. Sauceda did my "plastics". Ditto on the careful research; I enjoyed the experience (as much as is reasonable), him, and his personal nurse and have nothing of consequence negative to say about the hospital. I recommend them both highly for their individual specialties. Ungson - the reasearch, check. Esquerra? There's the rub. @Jo777 (did I do this right? I'll know when I post, I imagine) - I am making the informed guess that yes, if the hospital - of which I have heard such really good things - and the training surgeon, Ungson, are behind Esquerra, then I'm unlikely to be in the hands of a poor surgeon. I'll be surprised (rather unfortunately in the past tense) if he is even mediocre.

I'll update accordingly. (Assuming nothing untoward, of course. If you don't hear from me, feel free to employ Occam's razor.)

May I ask why you are getting a revision?

Of course!

Hello All...
For those who have had the DS did the Dr. also remove your gallbladder aND appendix or just the gallbladder? Is it standard to have the gallbladder removed?
Hello All...
For those who have had the DS did the Dr. also remove your gallbladder aND appendix or just the gallbladder? Is it standard to have the gallbladder removed?
It varies by surgeon so I would say it is not standard to have either removed. IMO the GB probably should...appendix, I see no reason.
It varies by surgeon so I would say it is not standard to have either removed. IMO the GB probably should...appendix, I see no reason.


For those of you who did not have your gallbladders removed during your DS surgery did you have any issues with your gallbladder afterwards? I'm hearing things about being more prone to kidney stones and the gallbladder being under attack after DS.

Thanks in advance for your responses!
@aprillperkins Perhaps you should start a thread on gall bladder removal instead of pursuing it here where it is off topic and will get lost. It's a subject many may have interest in so in its own thread, people can more easily find it and reference it.

For those of you who did not have your gallbladders removed during your DS surgery did you have any issues with your gallbladder afterwards? I'm hearing things about being more prone to kidney stones and the gallbladder being under attack after DS.

Thanks in advance for your responses!
I had my gallbladder out 2 years before DS. People are more likely to have gallstones after the DS but not all surgeons believe in taking out
I had my gallbladder out 2 years before DS. People are more likely to have gallstones after the DS but not all surgeons believe in taking out
Quick Granny Weatherwax update:

"I aten't dead".

(I'm here, partially resleeved, hiatal hernia repaired, and switched. Set to fly home tomorrow. More later - broth beckons.)

On topic, since I am, in fact, in Mexico and alone,

Hi HoneyChile glad you are ok. Can't wait to hear more from you. In the meantime, feel better soon!
Quick Granny Weatherwax update:

"I aten't dead".

(I'm here, partially resleeved, hiatal hernia repaired, and switched. Set to fly home tomorrow. More later - broth beckons.)

On topic, since I am, in fact, in Mexico and alone,

You are NOT alone sweetheart. We are all right here for you! Congratulations on your big success!. and welcome.