Medical Pot.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
My mind can't wrap around how I feel about all of this. Sitting back and letting it play out like watching a tv show. Only this effects our lives and our kids and grandkids lives. Seeing first hand how drugs and alcohol can negatively effect culture makes me wonder if this is really worth the gain. Then again, maybe I can become a budtender and support my meat and fish habit. If I can get my seeds @ $150 for 12-16 seeds, through the mail Fed-Ex soon I could get them into the ground. Or maybe I'll just move all the furniture out of the house along w/all able bodies so I can make room for more pot plants. Apply for my license for hemp, Because as we know Indiana just made this legal because we need it for all the hemp we put into cars, and paper.
Ky, IN, Tennessee, it's going to be places to keep an eye on. Much money, private land being bought up by government. Sit back and watch this play out.

If I don't have enough to think about I find myself following this for the last 8 years. Much money, Much Power, Much inner pain and suffering. Too much greed. I always thought being a tour guide would be a neat job, maybe pot tourism will now be my calling. So anyone want to come and stay on my floor as the furniture is gone, but we have pot, and as DSer's we all know how we love our pots!!
Growing up as a child of the 60's and 70's I wonder how it will impact our future. I do not love Pot it makes me sleepy and I do not like the new more powerful hybrid stuff to strong. If it was the Pot of my high school days maybeIf it is treated like alcohol there will be those who go nuts, those who will be responsible, and those who abstain.

This is one DS'er that will not imbibe anytime soon. I would rather have a Margarita or a Manhattan...
I'd like to be able to vape it, in very very small doses (like Whit says, like the pot of my ... um ... college days). The stuff my adult kids smoke is too strong. But not when I have to work - which tends to be at night - that's a problem. Just very very occasionally, recreationally - and when I'm not feeling well enough to work. :)
I'll just say, prohibition doesn't work. in fact, it's worse.

so: legalize, despite legitimate concerns, for recreational as well as medical needs.

it occurs to me the Free Market ought to be paying attention to a demand for milder pot, more like the strength it was in our youth. why not?

ETA: link - just one more reason why our pot policy is stupid: scientists aren't allow to study it!
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Great link Jackie. I am 54yrs. old and most would either call me a conservative or they would say I was a free spirit. Never drank alcohol, Just never had the desire to. DH has a glass at night when watching tv. Never drank coffee, again no desire but love the smell. DH has a cup in the morning before work, fix my father a small 2 cupper late in the mornings for his newspaper time and our together times. I Don't smoke.
Over these last several years I have been pushed to the breaking point with pain, anxiety, nausea and sleep. How I managed my way at times seemed strange to many. But, My adult children and DH find it remarkable that I am able to cope when faced with what hits me. Telling my DH after 34 years of marriage if pot was legal my script would be filled and used. At first he was shocked but over the years he and my kids came to understand why. It should not be this hard to get this legal. I have been waiting. Still waiting. Once again I learned to never say never.
Legalize. Tax. Save the prisons for thieves and violent offenders so that kids who experiment aren't transformed into hardened criminals by unfair sentences. Redirect the money spent on the war on drugs to a war against poverty.
Will you find this strange? I have never tried it or have any desire to. I don't drink but once in a blue moon.
I don't find it strange...I have never had the desire to try it either. Never did. I won't say never will as one thing I've learned that is guaranteed to bite you in the ASS is to say never or always. So I never say never and I never say always.

I don't even drink...I'm allergic to it, as in literally. My face turns beet red, feels hot as hell, and swells. My last drink of any kind was back in Dec 1999. I decided the resulting reaction was no longer worth it for me. I do miss having the occasional glass of wine or mixed favorite was Kahlua and Creme.
Thirty-eight years ago, when my DH was discharged from the Army, we went back to So Cal and I got my first job outside law enforcement communities in several years. It was at a major utility and I thought it was a fairly conservative place. But coworkers were lightin' up on break and somebody was selling someone else 300 reds and I don't know how many baggies of pot.

I asked an older, VERY conservative, management level cop friend what that was all about.

He said he thought the pills were a problem, but that in a quarter century in law enforcement, he'd never arrested someone who was using marijuana for anything more than possession and he'd stopped doing that because it was a waste of his time and taxpayer money.

Their biggest sin, he explained, was sitting in the park and littering from all the junk food they ate. And if they drove funny, so did people on cold medicine and other prescription drugs.

And before some says it's a gateway drug, the same could be said for mother's milk or water, because most people started there before they stepped up to alcohol.

I couldn't smoke anything now...I have COPD. But I'd certainly accept a gluten-free brownie.
Your a hoot Spiky, gluten free-brownie. I've seen the lollipop's, and gummie bears for young kids w/blood disorder, cancer, seizers, ect. I am in a full flare up of my colitis and the older I get the better these things look and will probably taste great. Thing is have always abide by the law so until it changes It's back to modern day medicine.
My bipolar stepson was prescribed Pot as a replacement for Abilify. It (or maybe the people he was around?) quickly led him to Meth. Gateway or inevitable? Who knows just a sad state of affairs. He is in the revolving door of addiction/jail/clean/out/ addiction... His IQ is very low. Unfortunately his bottom may be Prison or the grave.
My bipolar stepson was prescribed Pot as a replacement for Abilify. It (or maybe the people he was around?) quickly led him to Meth. Gateway or inevitable? Who knows just a sad state of affairs. He is in the revolving door of addiction/jail/clean/out/ addiction... His IQ is very low. Unfortunately his bottom may be Prison or the grave.

Oh, wow. I've encountered, I think, three young people whose an ADHD way...drove me nuts. And then I learned that each of them had a father who died of a drug overdose. Made me wonder if the dads weren't maybe self-medicating, trying to treat something like bipolar disorder and if the kids may have had, from the dads' gene pools, some genetic predisposition to their behaviors.

It's very sad.

But sometimes, not often, but SOMETIMES, prison gets people straight. I hope he doesn't go there, but even if he does, don't consider the battle lost.