Is this shit going south?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2014
Well stuff. I've been horribly busy and have done an extra week at work etc. It's been frantic and I've been a little stressed but nothing I can't handle. So what the fuck is going on?

i walked down my hall and looked over into the bathroom on the way past and watched a huge column of smoke billow up from the floor to the ceiling. At the time I knew it was a hallucination. It looked like something out of Ben Hurr then it was gone. Hmmmm what the fuck! Off I toddled to the kitchen to me a pot of tea....bitches be tripp'n. Also...why would the second coming be adjacent to my toilet?

The next day i was burling past to take the dogs out to the loo and again with the biblical bathroom pillars shit. I mean seriously people! I stopped for a second and whispered to myself "I see dead people" then kept walking.

The icing on the cake was the following morning when I woke up and watched a sea through spider the size of my hand run up the wall and vanish into the roof. I again was perfectly aware this was not really happening. I think I sighed and checked my facebook.

So after remaining silent for a week i mentioned it to my mate Kirsteen and David who immediately press ganged me into seeing my Doctor. I couldn't get an appointment and was due offshore so I phoned and spoke to him.

My bloods are totally unremarkable. No deficiencies except for my minor elevated PTH...this is the set point usually for me and I suppliment like fuck to get past it. My A, B, C, E, D, K and minerals are all perfect. My selinum is perfect as too is my full blood count, white cells etc. There is nothing freaky going on in my bloods. So the conversation went like this:

"Doc I'm not having any mental health issues, I'm happy, contented and my usual ambivalent self. I have had no neurological changes except for seeing shit however I have composed an entire straight to TV movie about my courage and stoicism when faced with my subsequent brain tumor". Dr King snorted and in his usual pithy way replied " It could be a brain tumor or something much worse, I hope I'm dashing in the movie". I assumed it was due to some hideous malnutrition type symptom as I've been tired and spotty lately. He advised my bloods were great. So yeh....

Google is not your friend when you search for causes of hallucinations......nope not your friend at all.

On a brighter note I took metric fuck tonnes of acid growing up and it is fat miniscable...maybe I've hit a rich seam in metabolising arse jelly? Bang for my druggie buck? Typical this would happen now I'm old, sober and disinterested in dropping out.

So more weird shit.

I promised Doc I'd book in for a head CT if any symptoms returned. He agreed. I could go a cocktail.
I like your version of what's happening - stored drugs being leaked from assfat.

One other possibility - ocular migraine aura. I had zig-zaggy rainbows a couple of times, and it was decided that my auras - which were normally smelling unpleasant things that aren't there (cat poop or baby barf) - in that case were visual.
I'll buy that theory...however no focal migraines per se nor head aches of auditory or olfactory changes. But hell it could be that...impressive hollywood versions but yes.
Smoke pillars would be disturbing. But if I was seeing non-existent spiders, I'd be pushing old ladies out of the way and cramming myself into the CT scanner YESTERDAY.

I had a huge floater in my right eye for many months that simulated a spider coming at me from the side - I finally had that bugger laser blasted in March - now, the mamma spider seems to have been blasted into many baby spiders that are even MORE in my direct visual field. I have to be patient - I know that most of them will eventually drop to the bottom of my eye where I can't see them, but for now, with my ridiculous fear of spiders, I am finding this exceedingly unnerving. Especially when I think I see them skittering across my bedsheets ....
I have been told of, and experienced hallucinations from drugs stored in fat cells, but it was hot steamy showers during minor weight loss that triggered them. When I did have this occur, it was within a year or two of use (eons ago now). It was my pcp at the time that told me that was likely what had happened several times, and I couldn't have been more relieved.

I was concerned I was going to be tripping balls after WLS as the weight dropped rapidly, but no issues at all. Any chance you'd just been in the shower or somewhere else very warm? Losing weight again?

I've also had migraine auras, and a few that didn't develop in to the headache, but mine are usually shiny or sparkly looking. Smoke columns? Can't you envision hot guys doing a striptease or something better than smoke?
Yeh it was utterly uninspiring as far as hallucinations go. I felt let down that my virulent imagination could only cough up smoke and a spider. Seriously! That's it? So yeh it's been a long fucking time since the initial rodeo 5.5 years to be precise so I'm hanging onto the drugs theory because the non-drugs theory is fucking awful.

So I've gained not lost weight but have been doing some hill walking around about when it occurred which was strenuous and prolonged so yeh fat burn. The other possible causes are awful: Louiebody dementia, early Parkinson's and good old fashioned brain tumor. Mental illness is also a possibility however I'm my normal non-fluctuating lucid self but you never know.

I've got access to private health insurance though the Socialist in me is loath to use it I just may get some scans done. Ack! How very droll. Anyhow I'm still focused on the Eurovision Song Contest. I hate that it is polished pop now and not the usual Balkan car wreck.
That's some scary shit. You seem very calm.

I've had spots but they have never manifested into creepy crawlys or anything remotely real. With my luck the effects of my chemically altered past is deminishing my already scarce grey matter. Eventually proor Steve is going to have to tie a lead around my waist so I do not wander into the street.

CT scan stat my friend!

Take good care
Please get this checked out, Kirmy! Please tell your brain that if it must enhance your visual experience, only fun hallucinations will be allowed. None of this scary stuff. Hope all is well!
Dang! That IS scary! I do know how you feel though about seeing things, clear as day, yet completely aware it isn't real. It's an insane experience!

I hope you are able to get the tests you need ASAP! I know mine was from a reaction to morphine (have it all over my records now never to give me that again as it was way too close to schizophrenia for my liking!)

Thinking of you!
Thank you ladies. I will get it sorted when I'm home on my three weeks off.

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