

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2014
Hey guys,
Anyone heard from Donandra and Mike? I haven’t seen anything from her since she went in for surgery and there isn’t any sign on Facebook? She ok?
Kirmy, she changed her display name on FB because of her new job (she’s been working about a month now). She was going to leave FB due to the clearance required for her job.

I’ll let her know you are asking about her.
Word up!

Sooooo, lol, as usual for me, after surgery I went a bit mental. I was going to delete FB altogether and went through and slowly deleted people. Then Lisa told me if you delete your FB account ALL the posts you made in groups go away and since I had a complex rare journey she would prefer it if I left my account up.

I changed my name on fb to something ridiculous that I kinda regret now, but I'm a tad impulsive at times lol.

I've been working full time now for nearly 2 months. It's stressful and awesome all at the same time.

Surgery went well, Dr K removed 17+ inches of my sigmoid colon as it was twisted, obstructed and full of diverticulitis. Thus why I was ALWAYS bloated. I healed amazingly after the surgery, it's kinda unreal. I was out shopping a couple of days after lol.

He fixed a severe hiatal hernia that was causing all the acid reflux and puking.

He said my ovaries are covered in cysts and probably is why I struggle with hormone regulation.

Weight wise, I still struggle and bounce around between 270 and 280, but without the bloat I am back to down to a size 18/20. I begged and pleaded with Dr K to redo me but he gave me some lecture about not being so hard on myself and to be considered a successful DSer I would be 315lbs. Basically, stop my boohooing and enjoy the life I have worked hard for. He stressed that health/nutrition after a DS is more important than being thin and because I am below the successful for my start weight, weight, he didn't want to redo anything.

Prof does his DS a bit different and goes THROUGH the mesentery so Dr K wasn't even able to measure anything or check.

I'm over it. It is what it is. I am not bloated up to a size 24/26 AND I can poop. OMG I love being able to poop. Seriously. I was constipated since like 6 months post this is a godsend!

Life is really, really good and if you want, I can re-add you on FB...some have found me through Mike and re-added me because they know I'm an impulsive moody bitch ;)
Word up!

Sooooo, lol, as usual for me, after surgery I went a bit mental. I was going to delete FB altogether and went through and slowly deleted people. Then Lisa told me if you delete your FB account ALL the posts you made in groups go away and since I had a complex rare journey she would prefer it if I left my account up.

I changed my name on fb to something ridiculous that I kinda regret now, but I'm a tad impulsive at times lol.

I've been working full time now for nearly 2 months. It's stressful and awesome all at the same time.

Surgery went well, Dr K removed 17+ inches of my sigmoid colon as it was twisted, obstructed and full of diverticulitis. Thus why I was ALWAYS bloated. I healed amazingly after the surgery, it's kinda unreal. I was out shopping a couple of days after lol.

He fixed a severe hiatal hernia that was causing all the acid reflux and puking.

He said my ovaries are covered in cysts and probably is why I struggle with hormone regulation.

Weight wise, I still struggle and bounce around between 270 and 280, but without the bloat I am back to down to a size 18/20. I begged and pleaded with Dr K to redo me but he gave me some lecture about not being so hard on myself and to be considered a successful DSer I would be 315lbs. Basically, stop my boohooing and enjoy the life I have worked hard for. He stressed that health/nutrition after a DS is more important than being thin and because I am below the successful for my start weight, weight, he didn't want to redo anything.

Prof does his DS a bit different and goes THROUGH the mesentery so Dr K wasn't even able to measure anything or check.

I'm over it. It is what it is. I am not bloated up to a size 24/26 AND I can poop. OMG I love being able to poop. Seriously. I was constipated since like 6 months post this is a godsend!

Life is really, really good and if you want, I can re-add you on FB...some have found me through Mike and re-added me because they know I'm an impulsive moody bitch ;)
Hello hello hello!!!! I’m so pleased girl. So you’re over there literally living your best life! I’m so thrilled. I was not wanting to encroach on your privacy at all. If you’d like to be exposed to my daily drivel then please do add me back.
I think Dr K isn’t wrong about you being highly successful. I wish you got your dream goal but you have been able to fix hips, move countries, go white water rafting, get a job and really really live. That sounds fucking amazing to me.
Go shield maiden go!

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