Black lives, blue lives, guns, terrorists, psychos, 2nd amendment...

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
...and other things.

I'm a "minority." I'm brownish. Hospitals keep checking the box that says "white," but I'm a tad too exotic-looking to be "pure" white. Mom looked A LOT like Bea Arthur after a day by the pool in Palm Springs. Dad looked like Sinatra, but with brown eyes. As a child, my sister looked like Annette Funicello, also after a day by the pool in Palm Springs. So...I'm ethnic. With an ethnic surname--and a couple of x-chromosomes--I have been spoken down to...and dismissed. Mostly, that's not something we can blame on liberals. Mexican side was here before the white folks arrived. So, we were the cops (and the robbers) and the attorneys and the judges and even the mayor. We were in the army, and we were the privates and even a general. Currently, we are on our fifth generation in the police department...not much of a liberal career goal...and yet?

We own firearms. I have no problem with the 2nd Amendment...except that it is somewhat unintelligible. But I do not live in fear that "Obama wants my guns." (Especially, since he's had seven years to try and hasn't even called yet and he has my address and phone number.) I do feel the need to point out that, imho, when you live somewhere where any moron is permitted to carry--open or concealed--a deadly weapon, the cops pretty much have to be ready to shoot in a nanosecond. This is another issue we cannot blame on liberals.

Frankly, I'd like all undocumented people to go the hell back home. I don't think that their choice to have children here gives them any more rights than other undocumented types who have no kids. And nobody wants to "break up families," they can ALL go together. One little detail...if the conservative (usually republican) business owners would stop hiring THOUSANDS of young men who look like my relatives...dark hair and eyes, high cheekbones, and a permanent tan...but have Social Security cards that say their names are something like Hillary Higgenbothem, perhaps the problem would not be as widespread. All of the Higgenbothems at meat processing plants and chicken farms and washing dishes in chain restaurants were probably not hired by liberals.

I'm not a big fan of any religion. I admit that Islam irritates me (watch some Sam Harris or Bill Maher discussions on why) more than most religions, but I'm less than enchanted with Christians who are sure that their religion is all about peace and love and can't quite tell you who Torquemada or Cotton Mather were. You probably CAN blame liberals for sharing that information.

Anyway...please stop allowing crazy people to announce that liberals, like me, are coming for your guns...or are trying to kill cops...or are to blame for cops killing unarmed people of color. Because that's bullshit. And, speaking of bullshit, there were LOTS of "good guys with guns" in Dallas. And yet, it took a robot and a bomb.

My point? (Yes, there is one...I promise.) In every segment of our society, there is some on-the-edge man or woman, of any color, of any faith--or no faith, of any age, of any collection of random life experiences, who--for reasons that no sane person will ever comprehend--is ready to "go operational" in defense of some imaginary slighting of Krusty the Clown...and nobody.can.stop.him/her. Ever.

But I can tell you for sure that we liberals are not behind that effort.

Thank you and good night.
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well said! I live in East TN and lord help am so tired of all this bias and blasting going on. I am not ultra liberal, nor conservative - I fall somewhere in between... course that is my opinion. :)
And yet every time the "liberals" talk about needing gun control, the "conservatives" go out and buy up more guns and ammo. I believe the extreme left and extreme right contribute equally to the proliferation of guns. One dangles the carrot, the other goes after it.

In 1973, Johnny Carson joked about a possible toilet paper shortage. Guess what? People hoarded it. My own dear old dad, bought a case from a restaurant supply store.(For all I know my brother who lives in the same home is probably still using it as part of an inheritance.) Looking back, I find that somewhat funny. Fear mongering idiots who threaten paranoid gun owners isn't a bit funny.
From the perspective of an outsider, you're all crazy. I enjoy visiting, but I would never want to live there.

But you do you, America!
From the perspective of an outsider, you're all crazy. I enjoy visiting, but I would never want to live there.

But you do you, America!

You might be amazed at how many of us think WE are normal and the rest of you are screwed up. This is the "base" for one of the candidates...the undereducated. My husband--a white guy from one of those "fly over states"--has a family full of folks who have PROUDLY never been out of the country (because "USA! USA!") and have PROUDLY never been to college and have, therefore, never been exposed to different ways of looking at the world.

A few years ago, about a dozen of us met for dinner there in "the heartland." The late-in-life unemployed cousin and his wife who had no health insurance and were not old enough for Medicare and were pissed that there would be a fine for NOT having insurance. The sister who was bitching that her office visit copays were going to be $55...but previously had no insurance of any kind. And the very morbidly obese 60-year-old who was working as a prison guard because his real job moved out of the country and this was his only chance at insurance. And so on.

They all hated that Socialist Obama and not one of them quite understood that, without Obamacare, THEY were the "deadbeats" sucking on the socialist teats of free medical care if they showed up at an ER sans insurance.

Guess who picked up the tab for dinner. (The "liberals" who want free everything. LOL)
Yeah, I get told how unfree I am a lot. I'll take being from a country with a pretty great social safety net and universal healthcare and minimal guns, and living in a country where I feel safe walking the streets alone at 3am, any day.
I have to admit that I am embarrassed by the way many of my friends act niw. So selfish and hateful. The latest of course is the "All lives matter " stuff. As I tell them, there is no inaginary "only" in front of Black lives Mtater or the Blue Lives Matter for that matter. I feel like I am living in 1950s Mississippi. This campaign season has really exposed a lit of hate that is very sad.
I have to admit that I am embarrassed by the way many of my friends act niw. So selfish and hateful. The latest of course is the "All lives matter " stuff. As I tell them, there is no inaginary "only" in front of Black lives Mtater or the Blue Lives Matter for that matter. I feel like I am living in 1950s Mississippi. This campaign season has really exposed a lit of hate that is very sad.

I read a good reply to the "All lives matter" nonsense. All your BONES matter, too. But when one bone is broken, THAT's the bone that needs to be fixed. All the houses on your street are important, too. But when it's YOUR house that's on fire, it's just stupid to insist that all the other houses get the same attention right now.

Ima gonna re-read this tomorrow. It's 2:00 am in TN and I didn't understand what the hell was going on in Evansville.

(The picture also didn't make sense the first time I looked at it. They all looked alike to me, even the pirate. I've heard that mst ppl cn undrstnd wrds evn wen msin letrs. Too bad I don't have that talent for that article. I did consulting work in Evansville, nice town. But then I grew up in NW Ohio which is also, stragit laced, God-fearing blah, blah, blah. I don't think those places exist anywhere these days.)
Ima gonna re-read this tomorrow. It's 2:00 am in TN and I didn't understand what the hell was going on in Evansville.

(The picture also didn't make sense the first time I looked at it. They all looked alike to me, even the pirate. I've heard that mst ppl cn undrstnd wrds evn wen msin letrs. Too bad I don't have that talent for that article. I did consulting work in Evansville, nice town. But then I grew up in NW Ohio which is also, stragit laced, God-fearing blah, blah, blah. I don't think those places exist anywhere these days.)

I missed the pirate the first time, too!

But the news article just kept getting stranger and stranger.
Well I have strong feelings about everything that's happening. I can see the picture clearly from both ends of the spectrum. Being a black women with a knuckle head black son who has ADHD and does stupid things like dig in his pockets when 30 swat are around you to get his phone to call his mom. Wtf? Then I'm a Leo, even though I still consider myself a social worker, who understands the goal at the end of the day is to go home safely to your family.

I won't tell you completely how I really feel. But I do know violence is not the answer.

Everyone who is so upset about black Lives matters. It just means black lives matter TOO! In less than 6 months over 125 black men have been murdered by the police. I have yet to see 1 story of an innocent non weapon having Anglo male wrongly murdered by police. Instead I see things like you murder 9 blacks in church and instead of blowing you up they got you a cheeseburger. I'm just saying! As my daughter said it's the same idea you go to a cancer walk and start screaming OTHER DISEASES MATTER!


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