13 years ago today


Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
... I got rearranged, 12 days before my 50th birthday. I have been happier and healthier in the last 13 years than I was in the previous 25.

Today's official weight is 174.6. Still overweight but I'm good with it. I have finally lost all but the last 5 lbs of regain from my lowest weight that resulted from having to go on an antidepressant in 2010 after I had psychiatric side effects from Reglan prescribed after my first (and last) reconstructive surgery. The panic attacks and bizarre suicidal ideation made me chicken out of doing the BIG surgeries. Now that I'm almost 63, I'm not as interested in risking my life and health to rearrange my skin.

My labs are very good this year, with a few minor exceptions (slightly elevated liver enzymes, albumin at the low end of normal, which I can fix), and that is due to low-effort diligence (take my supplements faithfully twice a day, yearly labs, adjust as needed, eat enough protein). This is minimal effort compared to all the ineffective diets I tried over the years, and includes butter, mayo and bacon - no complaints there.

I'll see if I can post a picture later - Charles left before 7 AM to drive up to San Jose to get new tires for the Jeep, so it will have to wait until he gets back.
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Happy surgiversary!

Glad you had DS 13 years ago cuz if you hadn't have had it, I'm not sure I would have known about it and trusted in it for myself! You have helped SO many people. You have literally saved lives. Thank you thank you thank you.
Congrats on your surgiversary! You're a shining light to others and I, too, want to thank you for all you do to assist us bumbling clueless ones.
Diana, Congratulations on another surgiversary, with fabulous labs and a great future ahead. Well done!
Happy Surgiversary. I am so very happy for you. You look great. Thank you for all you do and I am so glad I found my way over here (Thanks Larra) because I have learned so much from you ladies over the years and you have become a good friend.

Have a great day tomorrow since I just now saw this post!
Thanks everyone, for the kind words - I am celebrating with a flan tonight (any dessert that has protein is a freebie, right?).

But I forgot to take a pic, because we ended up having a bit of a hectic day. I had noticed the other day that one of our 2003 Jeep (our tow car) tires was wearing unevenly, and then Charles noticed a bubble in the tire and that all of them were old (we bought the Jeep nearly 2 years ago) and cracked on the sidewalls, even though the tread was pretty good. So he ended up leaving here at 6:45 AM to drive up to our usual repair shop (near our house, but 45 miles from here) to get them replaced and then that turned into an oil change and replacing the fan belt that was about to break too. And when he got back from that >$800 joyride, we headed back north to Gilroy to buy cat food at Petsmart, gas, Coke Zero, TP and coffee from Costco (it is hard to use Costco for much when you're living in a really small RV), and then Wally World for a bunch of miscellaneous shopping - and ended up in the line of someone who had NO business working as a checker - we were 5th in line and nobody in front of us had a full cart - and it took her 45 minutes to get us checked out!!! And - she failed to put one of our bags in the cart, as we discovered a couple of hours after we got back here, which is 11 miles away. And we had to fight traffic to get back too. So by the time we got back, we were both frazzled.

So, pic tomorrow.
Ha, you think like me. If it has some eggs in it then it has to be good for us, right? :D I love custards especially creme brule.
and then Wally World for a bunch of miscellaneous shopping - and ended up in the line of someone who had NO business working as a checker - we were 5th in line and nobody in front of us had a full cart - and it took her 45 minutes to get us checked out!!! And - she failed to put one of our bags in the cart, as we discovered a couple of hours after we got back here, which is 11 miles away.
One thing I learned long ago...do not depend on the checkers at Wally World to make sure you have all your bags, they simply do not care.
... I got rearranged, 12 days before my 50th birthday. I have been happier and healthier in the last 13 years than I was in the previous 25.

Today's official weight is 174.6. Still overweight but I'm good with it. I have finally lost all but the last 5 lbs of regain from my lowest weight that resulted from having to go on an antidepressant in 2010 after I had psychiatric side effects from Reglan prescribed after my first (and last) reconstructive surgery. The panic attacks and bizarre suicidal ideation made me chicken out of doing the BIG surgeries. Now that I'm almost 63, I'm not as interested in risking my life and health to rearrange my skin.

My labs are very good this year, with a few minor exceptions (slightly elevated liver enzymes, albumin at the low end of normal, which I can fix), and that is due to low-effort diligence (take my supplements faithfully twice a day, yearly labs, adjust as needed, eat enough protein). This is minimal effort compared to all the ineffective diets I tried over the years, and includes butter, mayo and bacon - no complaints there.

I'll see if I can post a picture later - Charles left before 7 AM to drive up to San Jose to get new tires for the Jeep, so it will have to wait until he gets back.
Congrats and happy surgiversary! You are an inspiration to many. Wishing you many more years of good health and living the life you want!

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