I had a sleeve to DS revision after 6 years with sleeve only. To answer your questions:
Would a conversion to a DS this many years after the VSG help me succeed in losing this weight and maintaining the weight loss?
Yes, definitely.
How rapid is the weight loss typically?
Everyone's different, but you can see my stats below. It's been pretty quick in my case.
Is the recovery difficult?
It was a lot harder for me than the sleeve. You will feel very fatigued. I would describe my post-surgery energy level as being akin to that of a narcoleptic tree sloth with congestive heart failure on hunger strike. Obviously exaggerating a bit, but you will be fatigued for 4-8 weeks after. I'm fine now.
What is the diet like following surgery?
Munchkin nailed it. Eat what you want, but limit carbs and get lots of protein and no worries on the fat. The pivot is going to be that you actually need to make sure you eat enough protein. If you do that, you won't have as much room for crap so it kind of works itself out. And vitamins are NOT optional. Neither is the gas, which is worse than Hitler sometimes. Those are the two biggest complaints.
How is the appetite after the DS?
Same as before for me. Some people claim their tastes/appetite changes. I will say my body demands (and guides me to) more protein, so it leaves me less room for the carbs. I still crave and eat carbs, but it's better.
Is there any hunger restriction as there was with the VSG?
You already got that with the sleeve. The intestinal switch won't affect your hunger level, but it may alter your cravings.
Any/all advice or comments are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Also, any advice/experience with surgeons in Mexico doing this surgery, Dr Esquerra is one surgeon I see who does this surgery. The flight from where I live to San Diego is about 8 hours. Is this length of return flight doable following DS surgery, considering possible bowel issues, etc.
Yes, everybody says Mexicali is mind-bogglingly good. They won't send you home unless you're ready. Their business depends on good reviews and they know it. As far as bowel issues, you're not going to have food in your system, so I doubt you'll "produce" much. You can always wear one of those sexy Depends for peace-of-mind. If I had to self-pay that's where I'd go. Que te vayas bien y no te preocupes (Have a good trip and don't worry)!