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Ah, memories.

So MrSue & I were approved for concurrent assignments (for you civilians, in Army talk, that means same location/same time…more or less.)

Silly us!  We felt that one of us in Europe and the other in Asia did not meet OUR understanding of that term.  Normal Chain of Command stuff wasn’t working.  My congressman was having a meet & greet that started with his waxing eloquent over something stupid.  Then, in front of all his gathered constituents, he went out of his way to thank me…I was, of course, in uniform…for being such a hero or patriot or something.  Then he made the mistake of asking me how things were going.

I said that except for the several thousands of miles between us on our pending concurrent assignments, it was all great.  Well, he directed his whatever-he-was to get my info and look into it first thing Monday morning and he actually did.  Our PCSs were put on hold, then cancelled and later he was assigned to Europe and I was in the care of the Maternity Clinic, and on the short track to a DD214.
