Kirmy, this rings so true for me, but when you said "**** I remember dragging my poor mates across mountains and bogs asserting it was wonderful being out in fresh air while they were almost dead with hypothermia and wanting to kill me and weight my bones down with stones in the loch." I had to laugh out loud.
Current and ex men in my life all reference "death marches", which were my idea of hikes and holidays. There was a particularly memorable hike to the wilderness beaches when people were nearly killed by getting trapped by incoming tides trapping us against cliffs that went straight up, and we all had on such heavy packs that we would just topple backwards into the waves. Then when were managed to scramble us some rocks they were slimy, and one person almost met their end that way. One broken tailbone and all were hypothermic. At the time I didn't even see it as an epic fail, just an adventure.
I thought I was learning the balance thing, but know I have work to do, and it will be lifelong. I'm glad you see where the balance is. Sometimes just being aware it's an issue can be enough.