America is…

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Sad but true. I will never understand the slaughtering of children. I am so tired of these mass shootings. we as a country MUST do better!
Sad but true. I will never understand the slaughtering of children. I am so tired of these mass shootings. we as a country MUST do better!
Yes. I was HOPING that the school was a “target of opportunity,” as in…that’s where his car crashed, so that’s where he went completely over the edge.

But unfortunately, he sent a private message saying he was going to shoot up the school just 15 minutes before he did. So it was the plan.

He also wrote that he was going to shoot his grandmother and then, that he HAD shot her. So neither action was spontaneous.
I was listening to this Fresh Air podcast this morning and learned we have a lot of wrong ideas about mass shooters. I do, anyway.

it's about Behavioral Threat Assessment. mass shootings are not a spur of the moment thing, they are planned.

I am so sad I live in the country known best for mass shootings, especially in schools. and yet the NRA continues to insist ...whatever BS they are insisting.

but listen to the podcast, if you are interested in this subject.