Welcome [USER=3324]bertgamble2001[/USER]
Yes, a quick drop out of the hospital is not unheard of as it’s all fluids.
As far as family and friends, as hard as it is, ignore them. They are looking at you with “fat eyes”. They don’t know you skinny. If you’ve been overweight a good portion of your life, they can’t help how their brain sees you. If you had never been fat, and weighed the appropriate weight for your height, they’d think nothing of it. Best you can do is ignore it. It really doesn’t deserve an answer. If you feel you need to answer, just tell them you are working with your doctor and he’s happy with your weight. Or do what some of us do…just don’t respond at all. After a few minutes of silence on your part, they start to under how rude they are being. Then there are people like my daddy who just didn’t get it. I flat told him that my weight was my business and WE were not discussing it. But you have to figure this out for you.
Good luck with your journey.