VSG and anemic


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
a friend of mine who can't access this forum from work - and is only online at work! - tells me she is anemic and has to take iron.

would should I ask her and tell her about this? I know her doctor told her to "take iron" and she knows this might make her constipated. what else?

ETA she is a few years out, 4 I think? and - if it matters - she is in her mid 50s but still not in what she calls The Minnow Paws. (she's silly!)
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Constipated does not even describe what I went through!!! omg it was bad. Tell her stool softeners (not laxatives) will be her friend. Im no where near Minnow Paws lol, and Im 3.5 years out...and I was silly! I thought because I could eat like a horse I was immune to deficiencies. She's not vegetarian is she? I know they are prone to more issues without the red meetz.

She needs a smart phone! I can get the forums on my phones browser and it is VERY functional :)
You can get liquid Ferrous Furmarate which is supposed to be easier on the intestines but this WILL stain teeth even if you brush straight away and only the dentist can remove the stain.

I found Ferrous Furmarate easier on my insides than Tender Iron. Either way adding vitamin C will help absorption.
And she had the sleeve?

Well, my initial thoughts are that I have concerns whether this is actually iron-deficient anemia vs. B-12 deficient anemia. Ability to absorb iron would not have been quite as impaired in VSG as in malabsorptive surgeries. Whereas, removing a portion of the stomach could easily impair B-12 absorptive ability given lack of intrinsic factor.

Just food for thought, there.

As for iron, ferrous sulfate tends to be a bigger problem with GI symptoms. It is also unfortunately the most common form found.
And she had the sleeve?

Well, my initial thoughts are that I have concerns whether this is actually iron-deficient anemia vs. B-12 deficient anemia. Ability to absorb iron would not have been quite as impaired in VSG as in malabsorptive surgeries. Whereas, removing a portion of the stomach could easily impair B-12 absorptive ability given lack of intrinsic factor.

Just food for thought, there.

As for iron, ferrous sulfate tends to be a bigger problem with GI symptoms. It is also unfortunately the most common form found.

omg no kidding!!! lol

I only had a sleeve (until Tuesday!) And a blood test verified iron, folate and d3 was a bit low....it is diet related and even though I get 150+g of protein a day, somehow I was anemic, but I hear this is common in women.
yes, she had a sleeve. maybe I can get her to check this thread out from home. she doesn't have a smart phone, I think we are the only two left on the planet just about.

thanks to all so far and Welcome to Red Skittles (you sound smart!!) :welcomeboard:
Tell her to get iron infusions. That's the fastest way to feel better. Then start taking oral iron, preferably one that doesn't give her intestines trouble. I was unusual in that iron gave me diarrhea pre-DS, and I did not absorb any form of oral iron pre-op. Post op, I quickly went south, even taking Proferrin. Got iron infusions, 6 in a row, every Monday in fall 2012. Never felt better, my depression went away for the first time EVER. I wish I had gone for iron infusions years before. And, miracle of miracles, NOW I absorb Proferrin, like magic. My ferritin and other iron markers are all trending upwards on two Proferrin Forte daily, broken in half for better absorption.

So tell your sleeve friend to not fear the infusions. I'm allergic to lots of things, and I had no problem with Venofer, given slowly over 2 hours in the oncology lab. I now follow with a hematologist to make sure my iron stays up. I won't ever let it get low again. BTW, my hematologist infuses when ferritin gets down to 50. Mine was 9 when I first saw him, and he sent me directly to the lab for my first infusion, no waiting. By the 3rd one, I was running up and down the stairs again.
Also, have your friend do a web search for the 8 symptoms of low iron. Leg spasms, toe cramps, depression, I bet she's got them all.

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