There is nothing wrong his heid! Nothing!


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2014
David is worried the weather man’s head is “on funny”. His shoulder pads in his sports coat look a little bumfled but his head looks ok to me. Ok he is a bit reptilian right enough but I can’t judge. I have hat hair and am wearing a sweat shirt with a cat in a space suit on the moon.

I’m press ganging him into getting a job and coming to the gym with me tomorrow before we both turn into potatoes slow roasting in front of the fire place. He needs to wash his hair and I need to get waxed before my leg triffids start biting people.

I’ve been on a paleo 30 day challenge. Ok ok I drank wine ate a box of chocolates and then ate resentment pasta afterwards because…well fuck it I’m broken now! After living clean my body went “what the fuck are you doing” and I erupted like a boil. I am now even more sensitive to carbs and sugar then ever before. I have also got used to not being bloated like Gustav Gloop. I enjoy not feeling like I’m dying and not having bowel sounds so loud that people look at their office equipment to determine where the paper jam is.

The hardest thing about eating paleo is giving up my coffee and sweeter addiction. It has been really hard to find a balance. I hate herbal tea, I don’t like soda and it is not allowed anyway and unsweetened coffee tastes like arse. It is a tough one.

Eating a clean DS diet requires planning ahead but the menus are awesome if you look. Asians know how to spin meat and veg.

If you're feeling like carbs are taking over I would recommend going onto a paleo 30 day plan and not kicking yourself in if you fall off the wagon once or twice or thrice. It is a good way to wean yourself from the habits that are eroding your bowel health.

Know...I'm off to cook kale crisps.
@southernlady, I think the kale chips you tried were the ones I made, right? They were a little salty. I am so addicted to kale chips, I love them. To me, they taste a little like a pumpkin seed.
can you post a picture of the Weatherman (or at least his head) so we can judge for ourselves?

I enjoy not feeling like I’m dying

big thumbs up for this!

unsweetened coffee tastes like arse
you should be able to get used to it, even learn to enjoy it black.

if - not to put too fine a point on it - you are making it correctly...:whistling:

have you tried it with butter? sounds terrible to me but I haven't tried it and Liz likes it.

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