The THIRD (booster?) Vaccine

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Today, we got our third Moderna injections.

FYI…instead of hurting the next day, it starts THE SAME DAY! LOL Not the end of the world, but within about six or seven hours, I had a warm spot at the injection site, which was sore and then a bit MORE sore. He’s reacting a bit slower and a bit more moderately. But he’s still feeling it.

At the VA, the third, aka booster, is the same exact product as Injections #1 and #2.

Film at 11:00. (Not really.)
And…now that we have had our third jab…the Powers That Be are deciding if it’s a good idea.

I am anxiously awaiting a chance to get the 3rd vaccine. Unfortunately my brother‘s former girlfriend called yesterday (she lives in Georgia) to say that she and her Mother both tested positive for COVID. The former girlfriend Was tested after her Mother was rushed to the hospital. Mother’s kidneys are failing and she has been intubated. I am so tired of this.

They think were infected at church. Three other members of the congregation are also COVID positive. I understand the COVID lockdown fatigue. I am Vaccinated but I still avoid the grocery stores during peak times. I refuse to enter the mall. I order my favorite restaurant meals as take out. I miss social interaction but I have seen too much sickness and death to relax until we get a better grip on this pandemic. I am scared.
I am anxiously awaiting a chance to get the 3rd vaccine. Unfortunately my brother‘s former girlfriend called yesterday (she lives in Georgia) to say that she and her Mother both tested positive for COVID. The former girlfriend Was tested after her Mother was rushed to the hospital. Mother’s kidneys are failing and she has been intubated. I am so tired of this.

They think were infected at church. Three other members of the congregation are also COVID positive. I understand the COVID lockdown fatigue. I am Vaccinated but I still avoid the grocery stores during peak times. I refuse to enter the mall. I order my favorite restaurant meals as take out. I miss social interaction but I have seen too much sickness and death to relax until we get a better grip on this pandemic. I am scared.
I am so sorry. I think we are all scared. But we can only do what we are supposed to do. We take all the reasonable precautions and hope for the best.
I am anxiously awaiting a chance to get the 3rd vaccine. Unfortunately my brother‘s former girlfriend called yesterday (she lives in Georgia) to say that she and her Mother both tested positive for COVID. The former girlfriend Was tested after her Mother was rushed to the hospital. Mother’s kidneys are failing and she has been intubated. I am so tired of this.

They think were infected at church. Three other members of the congregation are also COVID positive. I understand the COVID lockdown fatigue. I am Vaccinated but I still avoid the grocery stores during peak times. I refuse to enter the mall. I order my favorite restaurant meals as take out. I miss social interaction but I have seen too much sickness and death to relax until we get a better grip on this pandemic. I am scared.

I'm sorry. It's so hard. I hope both mother and daughter recover fully and soon.

Fatigue is real. I'm glad you are remaining vigilant and hope you can get another jab to boost immunity.

Here in IL, anyone who has had Moderna or Pfizer can just walk into a drugstore and self-declare immune concerns and get a 3rd shot immediately. Maybe that will be possible soon in NY?

I had J&J, so there's no clear path on what to do that would be safe and effective. I was going to go for adding a Moderna/Pfizer, but the news keeps changing so I have been holding off for the possibility of something J&J produces that specifically might address Delta and Mu.
Here in IL, anyone who has had Moderna or Pfizer can just walk into a drugstore and self-declare immune concerns and get a 3rd shot immediately. Maybe that will be possible soon in NY?
That’s basically how it’s being done in Ohio. We live right across the river and the closest CVS which has the Moderna is there. I had paperwork but didn’t need them.
I can’t figure out whether and if so, where, Charles and I would qualify for and get our booster shots. We had Pfizer, and had our second shots on March 1st. We are in Maricopa County AZ. We don’t meet the CDC definition of immunocompromised, but we are 68 and almost 70:
Currently, CDC is recommending that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional dose. This includes people who have:
  • Active treatment for solid tumor and hematologic malignancies
  • Receipt of solid-organ transplant and taking immunosuppressive therapy
  • Receipt of CAR-T-cell or hematopoietic stem cell transplant (within 2 years of transplantation or taking immunosuppression therapy)
  • Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (e.g., DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
  • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids (i.e., ≥20mg prednisone or equivalent per day), alkylating agents, antimetabolites, transplant-related immunosuppressive drugs, cancer chemotherapeutic agents classified as severely immunosuppressive, tumor-necrosis (TNF) blockers, and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory.
I can’t figure out whether and if so, where, Charles and I would qualify for and get our booster shots. We had Pfizer, and had our second shots on March 1st. We are in Maricopa County AZ. We don’t meet the CDC definition of immunocompromised, but we are 68 and almost 70:
Currently, CDC is recommending that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional dose. This includes people who have:
  • Active treatment for solid tumor and hematologic malignancies
  • Receipt of solid-organ transplant and taking immunosuppressive therapy
  • Receipt of CAR-T-cell or hematopoietic stem cell transplant (within 2 years of transplantation or taking immunosuppression therapy)
  • Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (e.g., DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
  • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids (i.e., ≥20mg prednisone or equivalent per day), alkylating agents, antimetabolites, transplant-related immunosuppressive drugs, cancer chemotherapeutic agents classified as severely immunosuppressive, tumor-necrosis (TNF) blockers, and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory.
You may have to wait til they decide to offer it to everyone.
What Liz said.


Take your cards into CVS or Walgreen’s (after checking online or via non-confrontational phone call, to see which vaccines they are using) at a VERY unbusy time, and play dumb. (I know. Not your strong suit.) (But try.) And say something like:
“We're here for the third shot.”
“Oh. I don’t know. We got a recorded call from our doctor’s office, reminding us to get our…well…I don’t remember if they said ‘booster‘ or ‘third injection.‘ But they said we could make an appointment with them or visit any site where the Pfizer vaccine is available. We figured this would be faster.”
“I have no idea why THEY think we need it now, but they must have a list of patients or whose records show that it’s time.”

I’m proposing this script because this…the call, the mini-hassle on the phone, the no-proof-that-we-met-any-criteria-other-than-age, the showing up and getting the injection w/zero hassle…happened to us, for real.

If they refuse, no biggie. But the messages on this are SO confusing, you could get lucky. And we Senior Citizens are innundated with scam phone calls anyway, so they might decide you were just a victim of one of those.

ETA—Don’t go to your regular pharmacy. They know what drugs you’re on.
Don’t go to your regular pharmacy. They know what drugs you’re on.
We were at our regular pharmacy picking up hubby’s prescriptions (that have no copay as we do GoodRX for the pricey ones). Anyway, I stood at the consultation window to find out if they were 1) doing the boosters for those immunocompromised and 2) had the Moderna shot. Yes to both. So I went on the app to make an appointment. Got back at my appointment time and they couldn’t find it. I played “stupid” saying but I used the app, it told me I was schedule, I don’t know what happened. Anyway, I got it.
According to the CDC:

Overweight and obesity
Overweight (defined as a body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg/m2 but < 30 kg/m2), obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2 but < 40 kg/m2), or severe obesity (BMI of ≥40 kg/m2), can make you more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. The risk of severe COVID-19 illness increases sharply with elevated BMI.
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Since I did not lose all of my excess weight, my weight puts me at a higher risk for COVID-19. This may qualify me for the booster. I am going to call my doctor Tuesday to see if I qualify.
According to the CDC:

Overweight and obesity
Overweight (defined as a body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg/m2 but < 30 kg/m2), obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2 but < 40 kg/m2), or severe obesity (BMI of ≥40 kg/m2), can make you more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. The risk of severe COVID-19 illness increases sharply with elevated BMI.
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Since I did not lose all of my excess weight, my weight puts me at a higher risk for COVID-19. This may qualify me for the booster. I am going to call my doctor Tuesday to see if I qualify.
Qualifies to be higher up the list but obesity is not an immunocompromised disease. It is a disease but not that level.

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