steadily gaining weight

Dr. K stopped my diuretics because of the heart issue during the 2nd surgery. I've been taking them since age 18. I've been wrapping my feet with ace bandages and propping them up. They are barely swollen. I hope it is water weight. Initially I thought it was water weight but then Remembered I gained 65 Pounds with Tpn. Starting to wonder am I gaining because of the jtube.
14 lbs in less than 2 weeks must certainly be water, but you need to know why. Of course it would be a bummer if just gained weight, but honestly I'd be more concerned over it being water and wanting to know the reason. Tomorrow being Monday, I'd be calling Dr K's office as soon as they opened.
Geez how scary. If you think you're gaining b/c of tube, can't they lower the calories? Dr K will sort it out

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