SIPS: The New Kid on the Bariatric Block


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Could this be also known as SADI or LoopDS?

SIPS: The New Kid on the Bariatric Block
Published: Dec 1, 2014

By Kristina Fiore, Staff Writer, MedPage Today

Duodenal switch is an effective procedure for weight loss, but it currently accounts for less than 5% of all bariatric surgeries due to concerns about technical difficulty, nutritional deficiency, and frequent bowel movements.

But Mitchell Roslin, MD, a bariatric surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, has developed a modification to the procedure and is now pioneering what he calls stomach intestinal pylorus-sparing surgery, or SIPS.

Roslin says SIPS is easier to perform and diminishes the diarrhea and nutritional deficiencies seen with duodenal switch, while also helping patients lose a lot of weight. In the first study of the procedure that Roslin presented at Obesity Week in Boston last month, which enrolled 129 patients between January 2013 and July 2014, there was an average weight loss of 40% at 1 year.

Roslin answered questions from MedPage Today via email about the procedure.

Kristina Fiore: Tell us about the procedure.

Mitchell Roslin, MD: SIPS is a modified duodenal switch, which was given its name by myself and Dr. Daniel Cottam in Utah. It involves the formation of a sleeve gastrectomy that is slightly larger than our usual sleeve, with an attachment placed beneath the pyloric valve, which controls emptying of the stomach into the mid gut, located three meters from the terminal ileum.

Dr. Cottam and I decided to standardize our approach, and now more surgeons are becoming very interested. In Spain, a similar procedure has been done by Juan Antonio Torres and Anders Sanchez. Their sleeve is larger and they bypass more intestine.

Our goal is to find an operation that does not cause abrupt rise and fall of blood glucose, thus preserving the pyloric valve, and not bypass too much intestine and get the complications of short bowel syndrome. Since Dr. Cottam and I have calibrated and standardized the procedure, these variables have been reduced.

Another potential advantage of SIPS is that it does not have a distal anastomosis and avoids a roux limb. Therefore, the intestine is not divided. We believe that this will reduce gastrointestinal symptoms and potentially reduce long-term risk of intestinal obstruction. Also, there is Murphy's law, and by doing one less attachment, [there is] less [of a] chance for complications.

In the original presentation at Obesity Week, weight loss from SIPS seemed to be similar to that of duodenal switch and 30% greater than sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. One-year weight loss was 40% of body weight, with over 80% of excess weight lost. This is in patients who had an average starting BMI [body mass index] of close to 50. Additionally, there were no obstructions, no marginal ulcers, and no patients that required re-operations from the simplified reconstruction.

SIPS is not a mini gastric bypass because the attachment is after the valve of the stomach and the extra portion of the stomach is resected. Therefore there is no increased risk of bile reflux gastritis. Attraction for SIPS is increasing because surgeons are looking for a solution for sleeve patients who regain weight or have inadequate weight loss, and for efficacy in those with supermorbid obesity.

KF: Are you and your colleague in Utah the first surgeons to use this technique?

MR: I have discussed this for a while. In Spain, a different modification has been done, but I named SIPS and created the size of the sleeve and bowel length. Yes, we are the first to do [the procedure] and accumulate data to be presented, and author a submitted manuscript.

KF: How do the weight loss and safety compare with other procedures?

MR: The complication profile seems favorable to roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and other stapling procedures with anastomosis. Early complications seem lower than similar procedures during the first year postsurgery. This is being actively studied in a five-site clinical registry, and the sites include our [two hospitals], Utah, Colorado, and North Carolina. Realize that all cases in this series were done by two experienced surgeons and the registry is being done to better define outcomes.

Interestingly, the weight loss curves were exactly the same in New York and Utah, with smaller standard deviation than gastric bypass or sleeve.

KF: What are your next steps?

MR: Training programs for surgeons are being run and there is incredible demand, far exceeding what can be accommodated. The five-center registry has started. We are also studying continuous glucose monitoring and change in cardiac function following the procedure.

I really think that this is going to be the operation that replaces RYGB in the next several years. Patients will have either sleeve gastrectomy or SIPS.

Roslin reported financial relationships with Covidien, Johnson and Johnson, SurgiQuest, and ValentTx.
Interesting! I really hope he's on to something. As much as I love my "real" DS, if there's a way to replace the !*^&!(#) RNY with a procedure that's attainable/doable for more surgeons, I'm excited.
I keep wondering if it's the SADI. I've met Roslin SADI patients but haven't been to a group at Lenox Hill Hospital in a while. Next time I go I'm going to try and talk to some SIPS patients and see if it is the SADI.
Yes, it's the SADI, with an eversoslight modification* over the procedure the Spanish SADI (slightly smaller sleeve, fixed 300 cm common channel) to the procedures being done in Europe, so that he and Cottam (I wonder if there is an auditorium large enough to accommodate both of their egos at the same time?) can claim it's a "new" procedure.

* WTF? He changes the dimensions slightly, and thinks he's entitled to change the name? The only GOOD thing about that is that the new name does NOT co-opt and thus confabulate the procedure with the nomenclature "duodenal switch" like "loop-DS" or "single anastomosis duodenal switch."
  • "Dr. Cottam and I decided to standardize our approach, and now more surgeons are becoming very interested. In Spain, a similar procedure has been done by Juan Antonio Torres and Anders Sanchez. Their sleeve is larger and they bypass more intestine."
  • "In Spain, a different modification has been done, but I named SIPS and created the size of the sleeve and bowel length."
Whatever. It's NOT a DS.

Note: "This is in patients who had an average starting BMI [body mass index] of close to 50." So, at least he's not doing it in SMOs, who are far more likely to need the malabsorptive benefit of a FULL DS.

I hope they are advising their patients that they cannot eat fat as freely as DSers.
Agree with Diana. It's the SADI.

I'm sure they changed the name because they didn't want patients to be known as SADISTs. And SADI has gotten some bad press in the industry because more than a few patients got the SADI when they thought they were getting the DS. They wanted to start over with a clean slate.
One of the DS surgeons contacted me about this article, with a nearly audible eyeroll. The surgeon agreed the SADI/SIPS is NOT a DS, in response to my comment that a different name that doesn't use "DS" in it is a good thing.

The surgeon also opined that the procedure may replace the sleeve, long term, if the long term results support it, because so many sleevers are needing revisions.

BUT - again - it is NOT a DS, and a different name is a good thing. Still, the audacity to give a particular set of parameters of a previous surgery a new name as if it is a substantially new procedure - whatevah!
One of the DS surgeons contacted me about this article, with a nearly audible eyeroll. The surgeon agreed the SADI/SIPS is NOT a DS, in response to my comment that a different name that doesn't use "DS" in it is a good thing.

The surgeon also opined that the procedure may replace the sleeve, long term, if the long term results support it, because so many sleevers are needing revisions.

BUT - again - it is NOT a DS, and a different name is a good thing. Still, the audacity to give a particular set of parameters of a previous surgery a new name as if it is a substantially new procedure - whatevah!
But...but...they are DOCTORS, and not JUST doctors, but SURGEONS!! (Apologies to the surgeons who read/participate here who know they are just human.)

Reminds me of the expensive MDVIP doctor I just fired. The one who said I was a "professional patient," when I disagreed with something he said. My review of his services includes that comment and my thoughts on the visit, and says that I was glad there was ONE professional in the room. (After which I learned that he lost a MASSIVE malpractice suit because that now-dead patient thought she knew what she was talking about, too. Never even made it to age 30. Because he disagreed with her assessment of her health.)
Sadists. I like that.

I want to talk to those patients I met a while back & see what Dr. Roslin told them the name of their procedure was.
I can't even.... The gall!

So, Pernaute-Sanchez invents a procedure, conducts proper clinical trials and after 200+ procedures decides on a 250 cm common channel. Then Roslin and Cottam add 50 cm to the common channel and claim it as their own invention? Wowza.

@DianaCox , with a smaller sleeve, but longer common channel, I would expect the SIPS to provide good early weight loss results relative to the SADI, but be less effective at keeping the weight off long term. Is that a valid assumption? Why would that be done? Isn't the long term maintenance the point of doing something beyond a sleeve? Help me see the logic!
I can't even.... The gall!

So, Pernaute-Sanchez invents a procedure, conducts proper clinical trials and after 200+ procedures decides on a 250 cm common channel. Then Roslin and Cottam add 50 cm to the common channel and claim it as their own invention? Wowza.

@DianaCox , with a smaller sleeve, but longer common channel, I would expect the SIPS to provide good early weight loss results relative to the SADI, but be less effective at keeping the weight off long term. Is that a valid assumption? Why would that be done? Isn't the long term maintenance the point of doing something beyond a sleeve? Help me see the logic!
Help you see the logic? Um - not sure I can. That would require that there is LOGIC.

I guess the "good" thing about the SADI/SIPS - for the surgeon - is that they can sucker the patient into believing it's newer and better and safer than the DS - and then when the lack of malabsorption causes regain, they can get paid again to resleeve and lop off the back of the duodenal-jejunal loop just upstream of the anastomosis with the proximal duodenum, and reattach it to the ileum to form a proper DS.
This reminds me of the Hess vs. Scopinaro shitfest about what to call the DS back in the day.....Except that there were lots more differences in their approaches to the DS than appear (to my untutored eye) to be present in SADI vs. SIPS.
@DianaCox , do you remember me getting in trouble for calling (I think it was Jawad) a SADIst? It wasn't my original pun. I cannot remember where I got it from. Do you remember the origin of calling these surgeons SADI-sts? I remember you correcting my spelling of it.

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