Should we be thinking about building an ark?


Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
It has been raining, often HARD, since dawn. This is what we are still facing tonight:

The storm is moving southeast, as you can see by the line of heavy rains headed for us. We live just a smidge to the northeast of the capital S in San Jose, in the irregular yellow-orange pentagon shape.

We have basement leakage/seepage from the waterlogged soil that is under the driveway abutting the basement wall, despite pretty good drainage that was put in place when we poured the driveway and redid the gutters. We haven't had this before in the 15 years we've lived in the house, despite the fact that there is an old sump pump (non-working, as it turns out) in the basement. The seepage is not from the sump however.

Charles has been periodically draining water out of the pool and dumping it behind the garage.

I hope the RV is OK! It is stored in an open gravel-covered yard.

Schools all around the Bay area were closed today. That pic you might have seen on the NBC evening news of a humongous tree that crushed a car and a house was about 1/2 mile from my house.

I was hoping the rain would bring Loki to the cat lady's porch and the trap we set for him, but no such luck.
I texted my brother earlier to see how they were doing and he was so nonchalant about the whole thing, but, then again, that's my brother for ya. That and their house is on the TOP of one of those big SF hills. I'm sure he'd be feeling petty differently if he were on the bottom :rolleyes:
Yep crazy how we were praying for rain and conserving a month ago. Steve grumbled when I sent him to the fire station for sand bags. We needed them. The slough that empties into the bay behind my home came right up to the walking path. The ground is so saturated water is running freely from the beds in my backyard. The only thing keeping water from coming in through the slider are those sandbags and good drainage. Thank goodness it has let up a bit.

I hope you do not lose power stay dry and safe.

No loss of power, though that pic that was on the NBC nightly news of the huge tree crashed into a car and house was a mile from our house, and we have a VERY similar way-too-tall ceder tree two houses away:

Before (from GoogleMaps):

After - captured from the video on the news (I'm just practicing my photo-Fu skills)

Storm pic at 9 PM - really heavy rain:

Yup, we're going to need a bigger boat ...
Yeah, got pretty wet up here in Marin county. School was closed for the grandkids, but they have the flu anyways. My brother was without power all day in San Francisco. It finally came on for him in the evening.
Not just that we didn't need it all at once - it really needed to fall (1) in the mountains, not at the coast; and (2) in the form of SNOW, not rain - but it wasn't cold enough even in the mountains to make all of it snow (it did snow at the higher elevations, but not everywhere). The official total for San Jose was over 4", but based on the water in the pool (which does not collect water from the pool deck, which is sloped away), it was more like 6-8" at our house.

Charles was up until 4 AM, when my son came home from his job at the bar where he is a KJ, making sure the sump in my son's bathroom in the basement was emptied - the pump hadn't been used in 15 years, and had died, and the replacement Charles ran out to buy at 8 PM didn't have a proper fitting he needed. So he used the ShopVac to empty the sump every couple of hours. We're both exhausted today, but things are drying out - I imagine the seepage collected by the sump from the saturated ground will continue to need attention throughout the next couple of days though, until Charles gets the new sump pump working.
We're between storms right now - it's supposed to start up again this afternoon, but just light showers; then a dry-ish weekend, and then MORE rain.

the rain missed us. the TV people tell me the wind made for a "rain shadow" - I guess we were expecting the moisture to come all the way over the mountains and instead it just blew along them. or something.

anyway, just tons of wind here and a few sprinkles.

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