Posting a question here


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Because most of the active users read here and I don't want it out in the general area.

XenForo is up to version 2.09. It skipped from 1.5X to 2.0. We are about three upgrades from the end of the 1.5X series. As long as they release upgrades to the 1.5X series, we don't have to upgrade but it's wise to do so. After the 1.5X series, we go to 2.0 which is a major change esp in the back end.

I've held off cause many of the add-ons are still catching up. Some we seldom use so I may be going thru the list. I will post here the ones we use/have here and let you see which ones we either don't use or don't need cause of core changes in the software.

But the style is a major issue. I am still relearning how to style it but we won't be able to keep this one if we migrate. I aim to try and maintain the colors but paying for one designed for us is expensive. I can get a stock one and update the header with minimal cost (which I have stuck in my paypal account for this reason) but it's a major upgrade for this one since it wasn't even written for the 2.0 version.

Here is the current list of active add-ons (some I'm not sure I remember what in the hell they do)
Add-on Install & Upgrade 1.4.3
Bookmarks 2.0.0 Beta 4
Conversation Improvements 1.3.14
Custom User Field Search 2.0.1
Donation Manager 1.1.5
Edit Post Date by Waindigo 1.0.3
Extra Forum View Settings 1.0
Force Ignore by Waindigo 1.0.1
Forum Warning Message 0.0.2
Genesis 1.0.0 Beta 1
Inactive Members 4.1
Likes You've Given 1.2
Live Update 4.0.1
Mini Avatar with Tags 1.0.2
MobileRead Profile BB Code 2.0
Quick Navigation in Menu [overlay] 1.2.0
Quick Reply Preview 1.4.4
s9e Media Pack 20171124
SK Mark Thread as Thread 1.2.0
Smiley Manager 2.0.1
User Field Categories by Waindigo 1.0.2b
XFA - Better Blogs 1.0.39
[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) 1.5.0
[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0 [cXF] Update Status on New Profile Posts 1.1.0
[FreddysHouse] Member Page Protection 1.1.1
[RainDD] User Activity 1.1.5
[rellect] Favicon for Links 2.1.0
[WMTech] - Create New Thread Global 1.0.6
[xfr] User Albums 1.0.0 b7

When I created this forum, there was no way to have a media gallery without an add on. Now there is. But I haven't figured out how to export current albums to the one that now comes with XenForo.

There is one add on I think is really needed:
XenForo Resource Manager - $60* (This is initial cost)
The XenForo Resource Manager is an add-on that allows you to manage files, downloads, and article-like content within your forum. Extension of support and updates is an additional $15 when you extend your XenForo license.

The theme can be similar to this one making it myself. Will not be identical tho since this one was a paid theme and upgrading it is costly.
southernlady, first, thank you for providing this wonderful resource. You are a hero. That said, I'm not technical enough to really understand what you wrote, but my preference, as a pragmatist, is always for function and efficiency over style. We are lucky you are willing to do this for us and can adapt to just about any format - it is the substance of the discussions and depth of support that matter most. So, do what works best for you. We will gratefully follow!
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southernlady I thank you for all your hard work! I have no idea what you are talking about though. Do we have enough donations to cover the costs of the needed upgrades and changes?
Do we have enough donations to cover the costs of the needed upgrades and changes?
Not really...I can afford one add on but will need donations by late Nov to cover the domain renewals (three involved so it's close to $50 +/-). If I save what I have, no...

The forum software upgrade isn't due til Feb so I have time for that.
The specifics themselves are gibberish to me, but do let us know what the target is. For all the valuable information and the great supportive people I've met here, more than willing to contribute to see it continue and flourish.
The specifics themselves are gibberish to me, but do let us know what the target is. For all the valuable information and the great supportive people I've met here, more than willing to contribute to see it continue and flourish.
No specific target as I keep that PayPal account for domain renewals and renewing the software license. With three domains tied up here, we use the .org but also own the .com and the .net to avoid the most direct competition, that gets a little pricey every year. Thanks to a recent change in the domain register’s policy, I no longer have to pay extra for privacy protection (to protect my physical address and phone number and personal email).

Any donations are welcome. I accept those to help defer the cost of doing this, although the server this resides on would be there whether we were here or not. I use it for other things as well. It’s also why I have never tried to monetize the forum by adding advertisements. I hate them and I know others do as well. I don’t have to bow to the Ad God and suit them. I do what I can to suit y’all instead.
I reached out to the original designer of the style. While he had no intention of porting this style over to 2.X, he did a quick customization of a similar I purchased that. I'll be working on it on my test forum which is in hiding for now.

And thanks to a generous donor, I can work on getting the add on I really want. Maybe both.
I have no idea what you're talking about except that it has something to do with upgrading/maintaining this site. I appreciate all you've done to create this place and keep it going. I trust your talents for this site and I'm sure you'll make wise decision(s).
Thank you to some other generous donors.

k9ophile I try to make wise decisions, if I find a freebie add on, I try it cause I hate wasting money. Must be that I’m channeling my depression era parents.

The up side of the two major add ons are that the developers for this software developed those as well. Most add ons are from what is known as third party developers and unless they have an excellent track record, like the developer of the theme that our tech admin based ours on, it’s a crapshoot.
Thanks for your response. I have a better idea of what you're talking about. Freebies are good! Freebies at Sam's allow me to try new things and have a truly small bit of something best not consumed in larger quantities.
Thanks for your response. I have a better idea of what you're talking about. Freebies are good! Freebies at Sam's allow me to try new things and have a truly small bit of something best not consumed in larger quantities.
Or something that looked interesting but wasn’t something really worth it.
BTW, the Most Recent Posts has been renamed Recent Activity and I'm not good at the language used to write this forum to change it without screwing it up.

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