Morbid thoughts about Robin Williams


Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
My mind wanders. At first, I was just so sad (why? I didn't know him), and then it kind of triggered remembering those suicidal thoughts I had 5 years ago when I had my bizarre bout of depression and panic attacks (I think as a side effect from Reglan given post-op to prevent constipation post-op while on narcotics after reconstructive surgery) - I remembered how scary and desperate they made me feel.

But then I started thinking about, of all things, the mechanical aspects of how he killed himself (I warned you this was morbid), and trying to figure out from what was disclosed (, how he did it, and WHY that way?

I mean, if he wanted to kill himself, and had thought about it many times for a long time (and I can't imagine that is not true), it would seem that he might have long ago considered and decided upon a "better" or surer or less horrible way to die. I mean, even I stockpile extra narcotics for a variety of reasons, one of which is to have on hand a means of ending things if something terrible happened (but mostly in case there is an earthquake and somebody gets hurt and we can't get medical care right away for broken bones or something like that).

Why asphyxiation? It is not a quick death. And if I understand from the sheriff's statement, he was hanging from a noose made from a belt that was hanging from the top of the door, held in place by closing the door on the belt. I am trying to picture how he did this without standing on a chair. They said his body was in a position as if seated, which I assume means with his knees up:
At that time the personal assistant was able to gain access to Mr. Williams' bedroom and entered the bedroom to find Mr. Williams clothed in a seated position, unresponsive, and with a belt secured around his neck with the other end of the belt wedged between the closed closet door and door frame. His right shoulder area was touching the door with his body was perpendicular to the door and slightly suspended.
Assuming he was not standing on a chair, which he then kicked away, how does someone strangle themselves that way? If his legs were "in a seated position," how could he have not put his feet down while going through the process of strangling? If he was standing up, and then sat on a chair (it didn't really say he WAS seated), how could he resist the urge to stand up and save himself as he asphyxiated?

It seems like a really terrible way to kill yourself. It also seems like there would have been time - and an almost unavoidable instinct - to stop it, because the choking would have been awful. And it seems like he could have had so many other ways available to him that were more certain, and less painful.

Perhaps they haven't given enough details - perhaps I don't understand the mechanics (after all, inmates hang themselves in their cells all the time, right?).

I'm puzzling about a weird aspect - the details of his death - while simultaneously trying to understand not only why, but HOW someone could do this. I'm mostly glad I don't understand the why, though - because it means I'm forgetting to some extent the trauma that happened to me 5 years ago.
I have wandered down all of these paths...doesn't work, missing something. Substances? Delusional? Auto-erotic? Self mutilating? Some or all of the same? There is more to come, unfortunately. A genius seemed befuddled when planning his own demise. I guess that's a good thing....
Years ago I knew a woman that drown herself in a "lake" near here that is actually a swampy hole that doesn't get deeper that a foot. I struggled with how she could have been so determined to drown that she stayed on her hands and knees and simply not tipping her head back up.

I too have had issues with depression, although not to the point I have any understanding of where she could have been at emotionally. I also have a large supply of narcotics mainly due to some bad experiences with inability to get them when passing a kidney stone. After being there for several loved ones deaths from cancer and seeing how undignified and torturous it can be, I also feel the need to keep them to make sure I can choose when and how I go.

So when I read how Robin Williams died, I was again thinking why such a horrible way to go, and with such determination, such lack of planning, etc. I mean, assuming I understood why he even wanted to go, which I don't.

Like DSwitcher said above, I suspect there may be more, and in a way I hope there is. I'm sad he's gone, but it's mostly that he felt the need to do what he did, how he did, not just that he wanted to go.
I hope it wasn't something really stupid like money problems - that would just be so banal and horrible.

Do we "hope" it was some fatal disease or something like that?

One good thing - it is causing a public discussion about depression. A bad thing - potential copycat suicides.
My mind wanders. At first, I was just so sad (why? I didn't know him), and then it kind of triggered remembering those suicidal thoughts I had 5 years ago when I had my bizarre bout of depression and panic attacks (I think as a side effect from Reglan given post-op to prevent constipation post-op while on narcotics after reconstructive surgery) - I remembered how scary and desperate they made me feel.

But then I started thinking about, of all things, the mechanical aspects of how he killed himself (I warned you this was morbid), and trying to figure out from what was disclosed (, how he did it, and WHY that way?

I mean, if he wanted to kill himself, and had thought about it many times for a long time (and I can't imagine that is not true), it would seem that he might have long ago considered and decided upon a "better" or surer or less horrible way to die. I mean, even I stockpile extra narcotics for a variety of reasons, one of which is to have on hand a means of ending things if something terrible happened (but mostly in case there is an earthquake and somebody gets hurt and we can't get medical care right away for broken bones or something like that).

Why asphyxiation? It is not a quick death. And if I understand from the sheriff's statement, he was hanging from a noose made from a belt that was hanging from the top of the door, held in place by closing the door on the belt. I am trying to picture how he did this without standing on a chair. They said his body was in a position as if seated, which I assume means with his knees up:

Assuming he was not standing on a chair, which he then kicked away, how does someone strangle themselves that way? If his legs were "in a seated position," how could he have not put his feet down while going through the process of strangling? If he was standing up, and then sat on a chair (it didn't really say he WAS seated), how could he resist the urge to stand up and save himself as he asphyxiated?

It seems like a really terrible way to kill yourself. It also seems like there would have been time - and an almost unavoidable instinct - to stop it, because the choking would have been awful. And it seems like he could have had so many other ways available to him that were more certain, and less painful.

Perhaps they haven't given enough details - perhaps I don't understand the mechanics (after all, inmates hang themselves in their cells all the time, right?).

I'm puzzling about a weird aspect - the details of his death - while simultaneously trying to understand not only why, but HOW someone could do this. I'm mostly glad I don't understand the why, though - because it means I'm forgetting to some extent the trauma that happened to me 5 years ago.
Toxicology report won't be back for a while. He may have had pharmaceutical (or ethanol-based) intervention that kept him from responding as effectively as a totally clean and sober person. And who, besides his pharmacist and good friends, know all the meds he was on, for depression and other things?
I hope it wasn't something really stupid like money problems - that would just be so banal and horrible.

Do we "hope" it was some fatal disease or something like that?

One good thing - it is causing a public discussion about depression. A bad thing - potential copycat suicides.
Well, I guess I was hoping for something like autoerotic asphyxiation, meaning an accident rather than actually being intentional.
I think he was bipolar and never diagnosied - it sounds like he was only beginning to get treatment for "depression" when clearly it had been going on a long time. it was surely worse since he had relapsed back into alcoholism.

it will be interesting to learn if he was on new drugs for depression.

it is good people are talking about it.
It was announced about 50 minutes ago that he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Couple that with depression and probable bi-polar and he may have been unable to see himself in the future. I also think perhaps he had taken something that prohibited him from just standing up. I am sure that he had sharper knives in the house and yet he didn't go get one when the pocket knife he had was only able to create superficial cuts.
I think he was bipolar and never diagnosied - it sounds like he was only beginning to get treatment for "depression" when clearly it had been going on a long time. it was surely worse since he had relapsed back into alcoholism.

it will be interesting to learn if he was on new drugs for depression.

it is good people are talking about it.
I thought someone said they seen a show before where he had said he suffered from being bipolar.?
He was sober. He had Parkinson's.

Wow I can imagine. I am jjust going through the basics of getting through having surgeries back to back. Daily I feel like why try. I totally understand being sick of being sick and tired. Thank God that my mindset changed as an adult. I was very suicidal as a youth. But once I brought life into the world I was no longer allowed to kill myself. God knows if I didn't feel that way I would have checked out of this place a long time ago. I know it probably sounds crazy but it keeps me safe from myself.

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