Low level nausea, occasional puking


Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
This is getting old. I’ve having increasing trouble with eating everything, but especially protein. Spicy is out. Most sweets are not cutting it. I’m barfing in the middle of the night a couple of nights/week (usually when my stomach is essentially empty), and yesterday after a half glass of milk and vanilla wafers (that was gross). I feel like food is not going down into my esophagus easily.

I had an upper endoscopy last June and except for chronic gastritis, it was OK. I take protonix 2x/day. I rarely drink and I stopped smoking at all.

But more and more of the time, I’m slightly to more than a little nauseated, especially after eating part of a meal. I get full really quickly. And I’m having issues with proteins.

I had my annual retinal exam this afternoon. It’s a long appointment, so I sent Charles home until I was done, and it was dinner time when I was done, so I suggested stopping at Red Lobster. I ordered the two lobster special, plus an extra grilled one to take home. I was starving when I got there, had about 1/3 cup of Charles ‘ lobster bisque, one small stuffed mushroom, half a small Caesar salad, half a cheesy biscuit, and a couple of bites of lobster and I was DONE. Like nearly pukey done. I didn’t eat 1/5th of what I ordered.

Over the course of the evening after we got home around 7, I ate the baked potato, some Cherry Garcia, one half of one little lobster tail with butter, one cheesy roll and the leftover salad - over the course of 5 hours.

I’m not feeling great most of the time, which sucks.

I see the liver specialist tomorrow for a follow up. My lab from January were excellent, so I don’t think we have much to discuss.

I don’t know if there is something wrong (family hx of stomach cancer; NASH), or just weird food aversions I have no idea why I’m experiencing. I’ve had very few issues up until now (almost 15 years out).
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sorry to hear it, sure sounds like it's something. I hope you can find it. first thing that comes to my mind is pancreatitis. :dontknow:
We shared a meal recently and you seemed to be OK. Did that meal cause problems? I am sorry you haven't been feeling well! And lobster is way too expensive to throw up plus I already know how you feel about puking!

Are you keeping a log? Over time that could indicate what is causing the issue. And at 15 years postop it may well have nothing to do with the DS.

My only puking adventure turned out to be mesenteric adenitis. I am an emetophobe just like you and it drove me crazy. The big clue was the puking could be caused by anything. There was no logic that fit.
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I'm sorry you are going through this Mama. Your symptoms, minus the nausea, is how I've been mostly living my life for the last 3 years. I recently had a scope and a small pouch has developed in my stomach. It fills up quickly and instead of overflowing down into my stomach it goes up. Yep I barf. I can only eat about 1/3 a cup of food less if its dense. Dr. K has not weighed in yet and I've been dragging my feet about contacting my Gastro to see if that conversation has occurred. At this point I am trying to control it by eating less (a flipping lot less) more often. I just can not "stomach":rolleyes: a surgical option. Recently the PPI i've been taking, 2X's a day, is not doing its job. Next up Dexalent (sp).

I hope you find out what is causing issues for you soon.

Wow I had a lot of typos in that post - I think I fixed them.

Today I saw the liver specialist at Banner/University Hospital that my GI/liver specialist had sent me to (the appointment I had in January, in which I had the fibroscan that showed that I have a moderate amount of fibrosis that didn't qualify for the clinical trial for a drug for fibrosis). I had had a blood draw that day in January, and this was the follow up. I already knew that my blood work was actually excellent - my liver numbers were essentially normal for the first time in pretty much years.

So we discussed what the next steps were (she wants me to track my liver numbers every 3 months, and if the numbers go up, do a liver biopsy when whatever is going on is active), and get a HepB vaccine. And then I mentioned my nausea.

She suggested that I go back to the GI/liver guy, as based on my description it may be a structural stomach issue. I had an upper endoscopy in July with him, which found gastritis, and a small hiatal hernia (again! it was supposedly fixed with my DS almost 15 years ago). She said something about perhaps having an epigastric hernia (I think that's a sliding hernia?) which can come and go. That makes some sense, since with the sleeve, it doesn't take much to allow the stomach to slide up above the diaphragm.

I guess that could make sense - when I'm OK, I'm fine. I had been feeling gross yesterday and the day before, but today, I ate just fine (Munchkin - as I was at brunch the other day) - I had a decent egg/bread/rarebit breakfast, a HUGE tuna sandwich (took me an hour to eat) with no ill effects, came home and ate some of the lobster and stuffed mushrooms that I couldn't eat last night. Intermittent nausea sounds structural? Argh - I'm not thrilled with the idea of more surgery either.

Pancreatitis - hmm - poops have been very pale beige lately. Will mention to GI/liver guy.
Mesenteric adenitis - no real abdominal pain.
I already take protonix 2 x day; dexalent didn't work for me at all.
Whit - I hope you will go see Dr.K again. That is no way to live.

I wonder if I could have THREE people in the OR if I get my incisional hernia, lipoma and abdominoplasty at the same time - just have the GI doc step in to fix the hiatal hernia too?
Glad today's dining is going well. Hope the GI/liver guy can provide answers and non-surgical remedies... All the best!
Wow Diana,
That sounds pretty awful. I defiantly hope they can figure it out and get you back to feeling good. just know we are all in your corner
Wow I had a lot of typos in that post - I think I fixed them.

Today I saw the liver specialist at Banner/University Hospital that my GI/liver specialist had sent me to (the appointment I had in January, in which I had the fibroscan that showed that I have a moderate amount of fibrosis that didn't qualify for the clinical trial for a drug for fibrosis). I had had a blood draw that day in January, and this was the follow up. I already knew that my blood work was actually excellent - my liver numbers were essentially normal for the first time in pretty much years.

So we discussed what the next steps were (she wants me to track my liver numbers every 3 months, and if the numbers go up, do a liver biopsy when whatever is going on is active), and get a HepB vaccine. And then I mentioned my nausea.

She suggested that I go back to the GI/liver guy, as based on my description it may be a structural stomach issue. I had an upper endoscopy in July with him, which found gastritis, and a small hiatal hernia (again! it was supposedly fixed with my DS almost 15 years ago). She said something about perhaps having an epigastric hernia (I think that's a sliding hernia?) which can come and go. That makes some sense, since with the sleeve, it doesn't take much to allow the stomach to slide up above the diaphragm.

I guess that could make sense - when I'm OK, I'm fine. I had been feeling gross yesterday and the day before, but today, I ate just fine (Munchkin - as I was at brunch the other day) - I had a decent egg/bread/rarebit breakfast, a HUGE tuna sandwich (took me an hour to eat) with no ill effects, came home and ate some of the lobster and stuffed mushrooms that I couldn't eat last night. Intermittent nausea sounds structural? Argh - I'm not thrilled with the idea of more surgery either.

Pancreatitis - hmm - poops have been very pale beige lately. Will mention to GI/liver guy.
Mesenteric adenitis - no real abdominal pain.
I already take protonix 2 x day; dexalent didn't work for me at all.
Whit - I hope you will go see Dr.K again. That is no way to live.

I wonder if I could have THREE people in the OR if I get my incisional hernia, lipoma and abdominoplasty at the same time - just have the GI doc step in to fix the hiatal hernia too?

And you're old...or pregnant.

I'm sad for you but dealing with weird stuff here, too. Nothing to do with DS.
I'm sorry to read this. I hope you get fast answers (that don't require more surgery).
No gallbladder. Spicy is nogo when I’m feeling icky of course, but I’ve been very cautious with spicy food a long time (and I’m half Hungarian! I love spicy!), which pisses me off. But I’m currently able to eat tamales with a little enchilada sauce, in the middle of the day. The barfing almost always happens late in the evening or in the middle of the night.

Last night I had a bedtime snack of canned green beans (don’t judge! they are mild and I like the green flavor and they don’t screw with my poop like lettuce does), and I started to take my big pills - calciums, magnesium and biotin - and all of a sudden, green beans and vites all came back up. At least it wasn’t the expensive little vites or medications which are the last swallow (yes, I waited about 30 min). So far, so good today.

I wish I could figure out the trigger so I could avoid it! I’m a scientist - I should be able to figure it out!

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