Hunger is a good thing


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
I've said this before on WLS forums - I tend to say it whenever I read someone being sad they are hungry again. they liked not being hungry. while I know what they mean, I want to remind people that hunger means you are ALIVE and NORMAL.

working in long term care I have many times met people with no hunger. sometimes it's a long term thing and due, perhaps, to medications. but often it means the person is near the end of their life. it's both a symptom and a cause of decline.

I was thinking about this again because since my dog Fritz was hurt a couple times it occurred to me it might have been better to have him put down instead of repaired. I am glad he lived and I don't think he is suffering that much (uncomfortable, at least) but it did enter my mind. he is going to be 11 in December and he has had a collapsing trachea and an enlarged heart.

but if you could see him hobbling around this morning, wanting his breakfast. and slurping it down even with his cone (I'm afraid to take it off, too hard to get it on again) - and I try to remember this for my own eating.

wait until I am hungry, then be very very grateful to be hungry and to have food to eat.

to be alive.
I *like* having hunger.. eating is more enjoyable when you really want it vs just needing it for survival. Now cravings on the other hand, those I'd like to experience a whole lot less.. :)
amen, cravings is something else. I like hunger too because I "get" to eat. but when I did a thread (where?) about pleasant or unpleasant, most people said UN. I suspect they are hungrier than I am...I eat at the first twinge...
you mean you need to eat before you get hungry? so you can't wait to "go" by your hunger?
I still respond too often to cravings that I am not really sure I know what hungry feels like.
amen, cravings is something else. I like hunger too because I "get" to eat. but when I did a thread (where?) about pleasant or unpleasant, most people said UN. I suspect they are hungrier than I am...I eat at the first twinge...

I get "hungry" prob every 5 1/2-7hrs.. like real hunger hungry.. I could nibble just about anytime. I crave things a lot, sometimes during or right after eating (?).. which isn't a big deal save for the things I crave are shit, pizza, Swedish Fish.. which is why they don't live with me.

I try to limit eating to 4x a day or so.. or i just end up grazing. However, I often eat before true hunger, and somewhere around "nibbly" to get it in..
often people do not have hunger yet when not even a year out, New Anatomy. it seems to really vary. hunger is an interesting thing and we aren't always talking about the same thing.

I felt what I call hunger at one week out - one sip of beef broth and I felt full and hunger gone. but - when you are really hungry your blood sugar drops and you feel other symptoms...I guess.

all I know is the ONLY time I gain weight is when I eat when not hungry. I know this is not typical.

anyway, it's good to talk about hunger. when people say "head hunger" I think that is the same thing as cravings. just WANTING to eat, especially something specific. like carbs!!
Actually, Jackie- I think the gain/eating when not hungry is often very typical.. even pre-op, I ate when not hungry.. I wanted, but I didn't need. I wasn't able to feel satisfied or done, but I wasn't actually hungry- if that makes sense? When I gain now, it's from the same type of behavior.. If I ate only when "truly" really hungry, hell.. I'd be back in the 130's, but I enjoy eating too much to do that!
well, maybe - my thought was that people who need a DS have a different experience, often. and some people never get hunger back after WLS. *dislike* !
well, maybe - my thought was that people who need a DS have a different experience, often. and some people never get hunger back after WLS. *dislike* !
I DO get hungry...that actually NEVER went away.

I have a bad habit of getting so involved in something, time slips away. I have been known to look up from being occupied and realize 5/6 hours have passed. And the ONLY indication I would get would be a bottom out of my blood sugar and my hands would start shaking as I go too low.

Even now, I can tell when it's been too hands start shaking. And yes, I do have documented reactive hypoglycemia. Makes for fun and games, NOT!
I am always hungry too. At least that is the way it feels. My stomach is always grumbly and most of the time feels empty. I just know that I am not truly hungry.

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