Hello from Northern New York

Hi @AnneNNY and welcome to the site, glad you found us. please, please, please do some reading here and on other sites related to the lap-band - which we call crap band. I had a lap band years ago and lost 20 to 25 before surgery and 20 post op - that was it. I went regularly for fills and followed their recommendations. It was a waste of years, money, and when I had a revision the lapland had grown to my liver taking a while to extricate it.
Welcome @AnneNNY

Get ready for the onslaught of people warning you against lap band. All I will say is this: doctors at the major bariatric centers in my city no longer do lap band as they feel it is ineffective and dangerous. (They leave lap band on their websites because so many people think they want them. But when they come in for a consultation, they tell them why they don't want one.)

Why not the DS?
Hi and welcome!
I'm glad you are researching your options, but if you are still even considering lap band you have not finished your research. It is far and away the least effective bariatric surgery available, and has the highest reoperation rate and highest failure rate. It has the poorest statistics for resolution of comorbidities. We see people needing revision from lap band, sleeve and even gastric bypass to something more effective, but the highest number of people needing revision are the ones with lap band.
In addition to researching your options, you had better also research your insurance coverage. Many policies have "one surgery per lifetime" clauses. In other words, even if some other insurer paid for the first bariatric surgery, even if YOU paid for it, and even if a revision is clearly medically necessary, they won't pay for it. And that's aside from the emotional damage of going through what is supposed to be your last resort and experiencing failure yet again, even though the fault is with the crappy gadget and not really with you. Bottom line, do your research and get it right the first time.
Hi Anne

I don't know your physical situation. That is your weight, BMI, are you diabetic, are you hypertensive, do you have sleep apnea........If you answer yes to any of those last three then you need to strongly consider the DS. As others have pointed out, please do your research thoroughly because if you are still considering the lap band you are making a huge, huge, mistake (those pieces of garbage can kill you and should absolutely be banned).

Good luck and please ask as many questions as you have. We aren't here to be combative, just want to make sure you and others coming here for information are fully aware of the bariatric options and the pros and cons of all. You will find we are very DS centric for the reasons Larra expressed (best EWL, best co-morbidity resolution, best choice if you like yummy food....no diet on DS) but you have to do thorough research and figure out what is best for you.
Welcome @AnneNNY :)

I had a lap band inserted in 2008 and it never really worked for me. I lost a total of 40 pounds and regained it all within two years. I never could find a sweet spot for fills... either it was too tight and I was throwing up everything, or it was too loose. Even when it was too loose, dense proteins could easily get "stuck" and make me vomit repeatedly. I had to be extra cautious when eating out because I never knew when or what would make me throw up and I got caught unawares more than a couple of times. I finally had my lapband removed and the revision to DS done a month ago and I'm SO glad I did!

I echo what the others have said... please do your research. If I'd had all the data on the lap band that's available now, I never would have chosen it. Only you can make the decision for what's right for you, but do it fully informed so you don't regret it later. Also, this forum is full of people with lots of experience and knowledge - if you need information, just ask. Please take advantage of the expertise available here.
I go for my physical tomorrow. Undecided between Lap Band and Sleeve.
PLEASE do not get a lap-band for any reason. Even if it is 100% paid for and they throw in a free car.
I would not wish that mistake on even my worst enemy.

Ok, come to think of it... if I had any enemies I would wish it on them... because it is like having an iron maiden torture device attached to your stomach.

PLEASE do not get a lap-band for any reason. Even if it is 100% paid for and they throw in a free car.
I would not wish that mistake on even my worst enemy.

Ok, come to think of it... if I had any enemies I would wish it on them... because it is like having an iron maiden torture device attached to your stomach.

Truth! ^^
Welcome @AnneNNY
PLEASE run away from the lap band. My PCP would not even write me a letter to my surgeon if I had considered it. The failure rate is phenomenal. A good place to read why: http://www.dssurgery.com/blog/?s=lap+band from a surgeon's viewpoint.

Another link to consider: https://www.google.com/search?q=lap+band+recall+fda&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

But the best advice is to listen to those who are revising from the lab band and why.

If I had to chose between either of those two, it would be the sleeve hands down. You could not pay me enough money to get a lap band.
Hi @AnneNNY and welcome to the site, glad you found us. please, please, please do some reading here and on other sites related to the lap-band - which we call crap band. I had a lap band years ago and lost 20 to 25 before surgery and 20 post op - that was it. I went regularly for fills and followed their recommendations. It was a waste of years, money, and when I had a revision the lapland had grown to my liver taking a while to extricate it.
Thanks, the more I research the Lap Band, the better the Sleeve looks.
Thanks, the more I research the Lap Band, the better the Sleeve looks.

The sleeve isn't a magic bullet either - remember you will have to remain on a very low cal diet (800 - 1200 calories) per day for the rest of your life. That's why I revised from lap band to DS - I just can't imagine being on a diet like that the rest of my life... but that's ME. If you are willing and able to commit to that, more power to you! Good luck to you as you begin your journey! And by all means, do stick around here no matter what your decision - it's a really good, supportive group.

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