After Weight-Loss Surgery, a Year of Joys and Disappointments

Looks like they are more realistic. And it's true, most people still end up fat. Just not AS fat as if they had done nothing! Sigh!
Found out tonight someone I know is getting lap band; then I read this. It kills me surgeons are still pushing the band.
@Duckman see if you can get that person to read here, even if all they do is lurk. Lap band is being done less and less because the poor results are becoming more widely recognized, but there are still surgeons out there who will gladly place them (and fill them, and unfill them and then fill again, repeat repeat) because there is money to be made. And from the insurer's point of view, it's cheaper than any other surgical alternative, at least for this quarter, which is what they look at.
If this person does more due diligence, as you have done, they may change their mind. if not, well, at least you tried. But as someone wiser than I put it, every lap band forum eventually turns into a failed lap band forum.

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