Fitness related to AGE not DS

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
My hero has arthritis. Lotsa places, including psoriatic arthritis. But I think I’m asking about regular arthritis. He’s 66, retired a bit over 11 years ago, but paying the price now for decades of a physically VERY demanding job (...and THAT was after the Foo’ jumped out of airplanes/helicopters for fun and national security.)

Anymore...HE has more trouble opening a jar than I do. Our VA PCP-Nurse Practitioner has referred him to OT. She even commented that “there are gloves to help with that.”

Who here knows about the fun things Occupational Therapy may have in store for him? It sounds kinda promising.

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Anymore...HE has more trouble opening a jar than I do. Our VA PCP-Nurse Practitioner has referred him to OT. She even commented that “there are gloves to help with that.”
Even in my 30's/40's, I had trouble opening some jars. A table knife whacking the edges works wonders, so does turning it upside down and hitting it on the floor (be careful as it might explode). I don't have a glove but I do have a better than average. It's a silicon piece but it's not flat.

Now I usually get it loose enough for my hubby to pretend he's a help.
Excellent idea to try it and see what it has to offer. They almost always work on balance and flexibility too. Grip strength can almost always be improved with exercises too. I hope he is pleasantly surprised!

Just put this under my cabinets last week.,aps,179&sr=8-4
Me, too! We have a couple of hand-held versions of those openers. But, being a dude, he always tries without it. This old age shit is taxing. The alternative is worse.

(She’s sending me to the Fall Prevention section of Ortho. That’s because the damage from my fracture, originally dx’d as a sprain, has...over 40+ years...worked its way now my left foot points straight ahead but my right foot points off to the right a bit. And my ankle, knee and hip on that side have all been impacted. It isn’t something people notice right away...but it can be seen. So “there was a crooked woman, who walked a crooked...” etc. LOL
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Even in my 30's/40's, I had trouble opening some jars. A table knife whacking the edges works wonders, so does turning it upside down and hitting it on the floor (be careful as it might explode). I don't have a glove but I do have a better than average. It's a silicon piece but it's not flat.

Now I usually get it loose enough for my hubby to pretend he's a help.

yes, there is tons of adaptive equipment, but the therapist will try to work on strength and fine motor coordination as well. there are even certified hand therapists, since hands are so complex and important. anyone having surgery, for example, should look for one of those.

This old age shit is taxing. The alternative is worse.

yes, it is. both.
I wish I could get Charles to take advantage of all the free-to-us PT and other things that would make his (and thus my) life easier.

He can still open jars - my hands have lost strength. But his hands hurt much more than mine, because of many fractures. Those rubber grabby things help, but I let him feel manly by opening jars for me.
yes, there is tons of adaptive equipment, but the therapist will try to work on strength and fine motor coordination as well. there are even certified hand therapists, since hands are so complex and important. anyone having surgery, for example, should look for one of those.

yes, it is. both.
Glad to hear they can work on strength. He’s squeezing a tennis ball whike stating he needs an appropriate rubber ball. Maybe he’ll get one !
I wish I could get Charles to take advantage of all the free-to-us PT and other things that would make his (and thus my) life easier.

He can still open jars - my hands have lost strength. But his hands hurt much more than mine, because of many fractures. Those rubber grabby things help, but I let him feel manly by opening jars for me.
You may be able to get 20 days of PT via Medicare. I’ve not used OT services.

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