6 year surgiversary is a victory, despite the fact that I'm a wet towel lately


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2014
I'll apologize for the crappy surgiverserey post right now. I considered not posting an update, as so many things in life have been hard the last few years, and I didn't want to post a huge bummery thing. I'm posting it anyway, because I realized how truly nightmarish the last four years would have been with the disability of morbid obesity holding me down. I’m cross posting this on several boards that I visit.

Today is the 6th anniversary of my DS, and it has been life changing. Other surgery anniversaries I've been over the moon with my new ability to ski or wake-board, and I still do those things, but real life happens with lots of unfun things, and being physically capable has proven invaluable to me.

I've had some real highs and lows and the last 4 years have been progressively trying, culminating in the death of my father a few months ago. I’m going to mention it because my DS was such a blessing during that. He was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cancer, and while declining quickly, wanted to stay in the home he built, with his wife of 65 years as long as he could. This could only happen if me and another sibling could take on the job of 24/7 caretakers, who could do everything he would need.

He was a large man, who became less able by the day, and was completely dependent on us at at the end. Anyone who has worked in healthcare can tell you this is not work for the wimpy. Had I not had the DS, I could not have helped him when he was bedridden, or even before as I had to be able to support / balance his weight to get to wherever we were going. So with some training, the one last thing he wanted I was able to do with just myself and my siblings, without having to have strangers come into their house on a daily basis, and help with what were often embarrassing things for him. Death is a bummer, but being able to keep him comfortable in his own home with his family until the end was important, and I was able to make it happen. This would not have been the case 6 years ago. Little things like that take tiny bites out of the grief.

On the happier side, our wedding plans that we had to cancel to take some time to help my parents, were only delayed and we plan to go overseas to marry this spring (this has absolutely been been our bright spot to look towards after many events of the last two years and is all that has kept us going some days). With some time back in our schedule we are getting back to skiing (when the snow cooperates) and some of the stuff I’d been hiring out like roofing or painting -I’m a real estate investor, so lots of crappy fixit type jobs- I am doing myself because I CAN, and it definitely saves me money. Climbing ladders or squeezing into crawl spaces isn't so intimidating when you are small.

So I have had more life events that have been daunting over the last few years, but honestly, dealing with stuff, being able to just focus on what you must, without having the added ball and chain of morbid obesity that factors into everything? It makes all the difference. I take my small size for granted and tend to forget more and more how hard things used to be, so this surgiversary is a good time to remember and just revel in how good plain old normal feels.
Congratulations on your 6 year surgiversary. I am sorry for the troubles in your life right now. No life is smooth sailing all the time and you seem to be able to enjoy the ups too. Good for you!

Thanks for sharing.
I'll apologize for the crappy surgiverserey post right now. I considered not posting an update, as so many things in life have been hard the last few years, and I didn't want to post a huge bummery thing. I'm posting it anyway, because I realized how truly nightmarish the last four years would have been with the disability of morbid obesity holding me down. I’m cross posting this on several boards that I visit.

Today is the 6th anniversary of my DS, and it has been life changing. Other surgery anniversaries I've been over the moon with my new ability to ski or wake-board, and I still do those things, but real life happens with lots of unfun things, and being physically capable has proven invaluable to me.

I've had some real highs and lows and the last 4 years have been progressively trying, culminating in the death of my father a few months ago. I’m going to mention it because my DS was such a blessing during that. He was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cancer, and while declining quickly, wanted to stay in the home he built, with his wife of 65 years as long as he could. This could only happen if me and another sibling could take on the job of 24/7 caretakers, who could do everything he would need.

He was a large man, who became less able by the day, and was completely dependent on us at at the end. Anyone who has worked in healthcare can tell you this is not work for the wimpy. Had I not had the DS, I could not have helped him when he was bedridden, or even before as I had to be able to support / balance his weight to get to wherever we were going. So with some training, the one last thing he wanted I was able to do with just myself and my siblings, without having to have strangers come into their house on a daily basis, and help with what were often embarrassing things for him. Death is a bummer, but being able to keep him comfortable in his own home with his family until the end was important, and I was able to make it happen. This would not have been the case 6 years ago. Little things like that take tiny bites out of the grief.

On the happier side, our wedding plans that we had to cancel to take some time to help my parents, were only delayed and we plan to go overseas to marry this spring (this has absolutely been been our bright spot to look towards after many events of the last two years and is all that has kept us going some days). With some time back in our schedule we are getting back to skiing (when the snow cooperates) and some of the stuff I’d been hiring out like roofing or painting -I’m a real estate investor, so lots of crappy fixit type jobs- I am doing myself because I CAN, and it definitely saves me money. Climbing ladders or squeezing into crawl spaces isn't so intimidating when you are small.

So I have had more life events that have been daunting over the last few years, but honestly, dealing with stuff, being able to just focus on what you must, without having the added ball and chain of morbid obesity that factors into everything? It makes all the difference. I take my small size for granted and tend to forget more and more how hard things used to be, so this surgiversary is a good time to remember and just revel in how good plain old normal feels.
I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me. You've always been smart warm and kind to me as well as able to kick me in the arse when needed. I don't think there is one of us who didn't break with you when everything started to fall apart starting with Bear. It is with this in mind I fly the flag for your resilience and tenacity in the face of all of this shit. I am sorry for your Dad but very proud of your contribution. You are an amazing person. Thank you.
I'm sorry about your Father's death but glad you got to take care of him. and so glad to hear your weight loss means you now feel normal, that's nothing to sneeze at!! Congrats on your anniversary! :clap:
Congrats on the anniversary, and the changes it brought- esp the ability to be able to be fully there (in many ways) for others when you could. Life never stops throwing people for a loop, you've had more than your share & I hope the wedding is wonderful & fun!
Congratulations on your surgiversary. Being able to take care of your father and fulfill his last wish is a big thing, not a small thing. I'm glad you were able to accomplish this for him.
Sounds like you're doing what you can, a day at a time putting one foot in front of the other. Congratulations on your successes.
Some of you are so sweet I almost cried! I don't want to sound like I've been in a nonstop funk, because I believe in finding joy wherever you can, and it can be in some unexpected and surprising places.

The wedding, if it can be called that had been going to be on Moorea near Tahiti, mainly because there is world class diving there, and I liked the idea of staying in an overwater bungalow that I could practically step out the door, and snorkle in large protected waters and get to a reef. The protected waters between the islands have a huge variety of fish, but I'm a diver and I'm also anxious to dive on the barrier reef in hopes of seeing sharks.

We MAY have changed the location to somewhere in Europe, because we saw a vacation that goes to just about every location we would love to see over about a month. While one destination is the Keukenkof gardens in Holland while the bulbs are in bloom, we aren't targeting anyplace that public to exchange vows. It will likely be on a bluff somewhere but if anyone has a suggestion as to a nice spot, we'd love to hear it. We're open to offbeat or pretty or just about anything EXCEPT very public.
I have followed you since OH and have always admired your spirit. I can totally understand about Bear because I lost my Sasha. I can relate to your difficulties with your dad also. I am happy to hear about your wedding and I hope it is the most beautiful time ever for you.
I have followed you since OH and have always admired your spirit. I can totally understand about Bear because I lost my Sasha. I can relate to your difficulties with your dad also. I am happy to hear about your wedding and I hope it is the most beautiful time ever for you.
I read about Sasha on FB, and saw her beautiful picture. ((Hugs))

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