Spikey and Facey Space

Pumpkin X

Oct 7, 2014

I had heard that his brother did his internetting for him...but this is too bad.

I have no idea, since I don't FB. (But maybe I'm glad, because he is my surgeon and he is the person I need access to when I'm in trouble?)
Maybe you should start facebooking for Christs sake...shit son !
so, where do you go for videos of baby goats and pigs playing with puppies? :dontknow:

I dunno.


Oh, wait...you said VIDEOS. The answer is Brazil!!!

that's yer oxytocin at work, I believe...
I wonder what the world would be like if everyone, male and female, everywhere, were on oxytocin 24/7. I remember a study from a few decades ago wherein male college age subjects became little mother hens. But maybe we'd all be compulsively caring for each other. That would change the nature of gangs and armies and all...

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