Potentially Political Post

My father as well, all securely locked, probably to the point of being somewhat inaccessible in a real emergency. Not saying that everyone is trigger happy, I just feel like I hear about these types of things too often. Or people who feel "threatened" and shoot before really thinking - off the top of my head I'm thinking of George Zimmerman and the white guy that killed the black woman whose car broke down and knocked on his door for help.
I think your news source is prejudiced against gun owners....

I don't know if the truth regarding George Zimmerman has truly been revealed...He was beaten, he had blood and bruises...But the "real" story may have been in what the "media" wanted to reveal...I wasn't on the jury, I wasn't privy to the true evidence - but the jury was..He wasn't a celebrity a la OJ Simpson, so there was no upside to coming down on his side...He may not be the brightest bulb, but I am not convinced that the hysteria should convict him.

The story about the deputy and his daughter is sad.
I think your news source is prejudiced against gun owners....

I don't know if the truth regarding George Zimmerman has truly been revealed...He was beaten, he had blood and bruises...But the "real" story may have been in what the "media" wanted to reveal...I wasn't on the jury, I wasn't privy to the true evidence - but the jury was..He wasn't a celebrity a la OJ Simpson, so there was no upside to coming down on his side...He may not be the brightest bulb, but I am not convinced that the hysteria should convict him.

The story about the deputy and his daughter is sad.
The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin topic is very heated, and I think very racially motivated. Most people won't admit it, or maybe not even realize it, but it is. And that's definitely something that almost no one will ever have a clear answer for because it's all based on perception.
The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin topic is very heated, and I think very racially motivated. Most people won't admit it, or maybe not even realize it, but it is. And that's definitely something that almost no one will ever have a clear answer for because it's all based on perception.

A self-appointed neighborhood defender has to defend himself against a guy he is afraid of...and chasing? :em: :ydrbatcdy:

What could be confusing?
I have no idea what your first graph is even referring to.. As for your second, what the heck does it have to do with law abiding gun owners?

And who is it that you are referring to, who lives in a "reasonable country"?.....the person who wrote that gun owners should be killed?...
yup....euthanasia to protect us from this overwhelming stupid!
England: According to the BBC News, handgun crime in the United Kingdom rose by 40% in the two years after it passed its draconian gun ban in 1997.

British citizens are now more likely to become a victim of crime than are people in the United States:

* In 1998, a study conducted jointly by statisticians from the U.S. Department of Justice and the University of Cambridge in England found that most crime is now worse in England than in the United States.

* "You are more likely to be mugged in England than in the United States," stated the Reuters news agency in summarizing the study. "The rate of robbery is now 1.4 times higher in England and Wales than in the United States, and the British burglary rate is nearly double America’s."(158) The murder rate in the United States is reportedly higher than in England, but according to the DOJ study, "the difference between the [murder rates in the] two countries has narrowed over the past 16 years.

Underreporting murder data: British crime reporting tactics keep murder rates artificially low. "Suppose that three men kill a woman during an argument outside a bar. They are arrested for murder, but because of problems with identification (the main witness is dead), charges are eventually dropped. In American crime statistics, the event counts as a three-person homicide, but in British statistics it counts as nothing at all. ‘With such differences in reporting criteria, comparisons of U.S. homicide rates with British homicide rates is a sham,’ [a 2000 report from the Inspectorate of Constabulary] concludes."

Where do you get this bullshit? In 2013 there were 230 gun homicides in the UK and in the USA there was 8775 (in one year). There are 63.3 million people living in the UK and 318,565,000 in the USA. We also have open boarders to Europe so people can pass freely through our boarders.

Shit statistics just make you look stoopid.
I know what it means. Instead of being vague, maybe you could be more enlightening?

The words (of Jesus) are clear as day.

Oh FFS, you've collected the set. HOUSE!

Don't you have to go stock pile water and canned beans?
Oh FFS, you've collected the set. HOUSE!

Don't you have to go stock pile water and canned beans?

Can I keep my earthquake bug out stuff? And still be friends? Even though we don't live in extreme earthquake territory anymore?