Sunday Weigh In (2/2/2020)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
I know, I know, it's Tuesday but when I TRIED to come in here on Sunday I discovered the migration was fucked up (see my thread in the main board about this).

Okay, so I DID weigh on Sunday, it was 144, same as the week before.
Last week 179.8
This week 180.2

I'm backed up a bit, but have been struggling a lot with fatigue and weakness so I've upped my iron on this two week cycle to see if it helps the fatigue even though it's going to make the constipation worse. I changed health plans at the first of the year so I've been waiting for my HSA to build up to get labs done but I've got to get off the dime and get them scheduled to figure out what's up.
Last week 179.8
This week 180.2

I'm backed up a bit, but have been struggling a lot with fatigue and weakness so I've upped my iron on this two week cycle to see if it helps the fatigue even though it's going to make the constipation worse. I changed health plans at the first of the year so I've been waiting for my HSA to build up to get labs done but I've got to get off the dime and get them scheduled to figure out what's up.
Sorry you are backed up.
Other possible reasons for fatigue and weakness esp vitamins. Getting your HSA account up will help. Are labs completely out of pocket or does insurance pay their share? If your share is higher than $600, contact Direct Labs
One of our own is owner and does a discount. She’s on FB under her real name. She can provide the current pricing for a full DS set of labs.
last time (2 weeks ago?) 130
this week 132

not surprised, I've been eating tons of food and poor quality. I think I need to go on a sugar fast - no simple carbs at all. I've started a couple times since December but I keep falling off the wagon.
sugar is evil.
last time (2 weeks ago?) 130
this week 132

not surprised, I've been eating tons of food and poor quality. I think I need to go on a sugar fast - no simple carbs at all. I've started a couple times since December but I keep falling off the wagon.
sugar is evil.
Get back on track. Try to up the quality of what you eat. And ditch sugar but not by going to the artificial stuff.
In here first time. I dont have a scale, but all my stretch pants are suddenly tight. Thats really bad, because my jeans quit fitting a year ago. Last doctor visit I was 132, my highest post DS.

I started keto 3 days ago. Never counted calories or carbs in my life. I could blame it on DH's cancer return. Or becoming a grandma. Or depression. But I will not. I know better, and have been treating myself with sweets. Chocolate is my soft spot.

I felt best at 110. Lowest was maybe lower than 100, I had already started bounceback when I was checked 14 months postop at 100.

I am only aiming to fit into my fat jeans. Anything more will be gravy.
In here first time. I dont have a scale, but all my stretch pants are suddenly tight. Thats really bad, because my jeans quit fitting a year ago. Last doctor visit I was 132, my highest post DS.

I started keto 3 days ago. Never counted calories or carbs in my life. I could blame it on DH's cancer return. Or becoming a grandma. Or depression. But I will not. I know better, and have been treating myself with sweets. Chocolate is my soft spot.

I felt best at 110. Lowest was maybe lower than 100, I had already started bounceback when I was checked 14 months postop at 100.

I am only aiming to fit into my fat jeans. Anything more will be gravy.

I’m sorry you are having clothes fitting issues. Don’t make chocolate totally off limits but store it in the freezer which makes it easier to know that maybe you don’t really need it right then.

Speaking of your DH, how is he doing?
Liz, his cancer returned after his 2nd cryo. So now we get an MRI to find out where it is. So far, its been contained. But his PSA hasnt gone down enough, indicating some is still hiding. He may have to have permanent surgery, which he wanted to avoid as long as possible.

He isnt ready to retire quite yet, and refuses to slow down. LOL

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