The role of K1 and K2


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
From Dr. Ara Keshishian's blog:

September 3, 2014 Group Meeting & Webinar Laboratory Studies and Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that has two forms, K1 and K2. It has long been thought that the majority of Vitamin K2 was synthesized by the microflora in the gut. But research is revealing that it may involve more processes and is more significant than was previously thought. Vitamin K 1 is found in dark leafy vegetables and plays more of a role in blood coagulation. Vitamin K2 is found in hard cheeses, egg yolk, soft cheeses, natto, chicken liver, other organ meats, ground beef, salami and grass fed beef butter. Vitamin K2 has a much broader function in directing calcium, via Human matrix Gla protein, to appropriate places to deposit such as bone and teeth and preventing it from depositing in arteries and possibly forming kidney stones. It is also a antioxidant which has shown to reduce cancer risk and encourage healthy nerve growth and protection has an article on K2.
From Dr. Ara Keshishian's blog:

September 3, 2014 Group Meeting & Webinar Laboratory Studies and Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that has two forms, K1 and K2. It has long been thought that the majority of Vitamin K2 was synthesized by the microflora in the gut. But research is revealing that it may involve more processes and is more significant than was previously thought. Vitamin K 1 is found in dark leafy vegetables and plays more of a role in blood coagulation. Vitamin K2 is found in hard cheeses, egg yolk, soft cheeses, natto, chicken liver, other organ meats, ground beef, salami and grass fed beef butter. Vitamin K2 has a much broader function in directing calcium, via Human matrix Gla protein, to appropriate places to deposit such as bone and teeth and preventing it from depositing in arteries and possibly forming kidney stones. It is also a antioxidant which has shown to reduce cancer risk and encourage healthy nerve growth and protection has an article on K2.
So do we need K1 or K2 or both?
So do we need K1 or K2 or both?
I am doing both.
K1 is based on YOUR lab work. Actually so is K2 but not as it's OWN test, it's an inferred need based on several things like your calcium, D, AND PTH levels AND a Dexascan to see your bone health.

I take 2 of the 1,000 mg pills EVERY day for K1. My husband, also a DS'er, take 1 1,000 mg K1 capsule only 5 days of the week cause his came back way too high. And while he didn't want to drop it completely, he did back off on one every day. He will see how that is working when he has his next set of labs.
my local giant walmart does not carry any K, 1 or 2. so I guess we are ahead of the curve.
Is there a certain time we should add the K2? I am taking it when I take my K1, should I be taking them apart from each other?

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