Sunday Weigh In (12/1/2019)

24 Nov was 153.2
Today is 151.7

I have my colonoscopy and upper endoscopy scheduled for Thurs if I don’t chicken out before then.
You won’t, I have faith in you.
Your weight is doing good.
Last week 187.2
This week 191.2

There were special challenges this week. If you are like me, it was more of a carb feast than I needed.
Last week: 213.5
This week: 212

I've lost 63 pounds since 7/24 which is 52.5% of my excess weight.
Good for you.

Last time: 145
Today: 145

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.
Life is hard right now on so many levels. Sigh.
I‘m sorry life is hard. If you want to discuss it, you are welcome to do so. If not, just know we care.

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