

Jan—my ferritin had worked its way down to 33.
Feb—I had two Injectofer infusions. (He said to ignore ferritin results for at least four months.)
Apr—different doctor/different reasons for testing, it was 328.

You might not make it through a TSA “wanding,” either. Avoid airports.
I'm waiting to develop a magnetic personality. So far, nope.
Ferritin in early August: 19 ng/ml

2 Injectofer infusions in mid-August

Ferritin on August 29: 732 ng/ml

Normal range: 15 - 150 ng/ml

I probably shouldn’t get an MRI for a while - I might get sucked into the magnet.

Repeat labs in November.

No airports...if you fail the TSA wanding...body cavity searches are next.

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