Flagyl and Probiotic/TMI Advisory


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2014
Long Island, NY
Hi. I’m doing a course of Flagyl (began Monday) for the first time in quite a while. I’m still taking my probiotic. Should I stop the probiotic while taking Flagyl? Or should I wait an hour or more between the Flagyl and probiotic? Or should I just continue as I usually take it?

I was looking for the headache and/or metallic taste I seem to remember when taking Flagyl but neither has occurred. Rather, I’m having much softer and looser stools. I assume it means it’s in there working (oh, and things were green for a day or two, but I remember that’s happened before).

I also seem to be feeling the urge to "go" a bit more strongly.

Thank you.
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Most likely, the probiotic is being killed off by the flagyl. But will it hurt you to keep on taking it? No. And you might as well just continue the habit you have already established. When you quit the flagyl the probiotic will help you re-establish gut flora.
southernlady Not a problem for me. I don't think any of those have touched my lips in the last xx years (except maybe mustard). :D

The green is gone. It only lasted a couple of days. I think it was my body just resetting (at least I hope) as I hadn't taken Flagyl in years.
Green, wow

Gotta ask... dark leafy green or bright emerald ?

And here I thought baby poop yellow was weird.

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