Cooking/Recipe Blogs

I recently read one and it has all of that. I get to the end and I have to follow a link to a whole 'nother site! And there's more text there too! It was so annoying.
I envy your ability to make recipes work. My wish is that my FB friends would quit posting about food and instead come over to my house and operate my kitchen for me I am entirely inept at the cooking. ;)

I am incompetent in the kitchen. My mother was a “works outside the home” mom back in the early 1950s. Then a single mom working outside the home. She DID invent frozen meals, but forgot to mention it. MiniSue’s non-stop complaint was that her meal choices as a child were ALWAYS, “Which styrofoam restaurant to-go box should I investigate first?” And for several years, when, we lived a stone’s throw from casinos which lured folks in with cheap meals, guess where we ate!

Also, my baking is even worse.

My role model in the kitchen is Ruth Bader Ginsberg. (In fact, I just gifted MiniSue an RBG Action Doll!)

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