Brutal constipation. Please help!

Marquis Mark

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2015
Today is my 4-week surgiversary. Until now I have had a relatively smooth recovery. As of a few days ago, I have been able to take all my vitamins and am getting in about 70-80 grams of protein a day.

Yesterday morning was hell. Although, I've been borderline constipated for a couple of weeks yesterday was something else. If I'd had an epidural handy I would have taken it. I became pale, sweaty and faint. After a little Milk of Magnesia it finally came out. It was a lot. I thought (hoped) it was over. It wasn't. Today I've take two stool softeners, 2 magnesium oxide tablets (250 each) and a half bottle of magnesium citrate laxative and finally I went, but I can tell it's not all out. Even now, three hours after the magnesium citrate, I have to run to the bathroom and then nothing, or very little of it will come out. When I took this stuff before surgery it liquefied everything and I practically ran clear.

My anus is on fire. I haven't seen any blood, but I fear I may have done some damage down there (hopefully temporary). I have tried not to strain. It's constantly throbbing.

I'm getting some prunes, benafiber and Preparation H for the pain. I haven't eaten much today and don't want to because I don't want to go to the bathroom. I also didn't take any calcium today.

Prognosis? Advice? Reassurance?
Take a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Repeat twice a day until you clean out. Then figure out how much fat you need to soften your poo. And increase your fluids. Fiber without LOTS of hydration won't help much.
Done. Thanks for the idea. Does milk and/or whey protein powder make things better, worse or no effect?
It definitely hasn't given me the runs. I'm wondering if it causes constipation? I eat a Greek yogurt, cheese and mix my protein shake with milk everyday.
Are you taking Iron, iF so how much?

Are you taking Calcium Citrate, if so how much?

Both can be very constipating.

How much fluid intake are you getting daily? Getting plenty of fluids helps to keep things moving.

Regarding the throbbing it may just be hemorrhoid but you also could have a fissure. Take a look at how much iron and calcium citrate you are taking as that very well may be the culprit. I don't need iron and about 1,800 mg of Calcium Citrate is all I need to stay in range. Obviously you need what you need to keep your levels up but your first labs will give you an indication of what your intake needs to be. Many males don't need iron, but some do. Calcium citrate definitely makes feel a bit constipated if I am loading up too just check these things and look at how much fat is in what you are eating.

Milk should not cause constipation so I doubt it is from that, and as EN said if you were lactose intolerant the problem would be the other end of that spectrum.
It definitely hasn't given me the runs. I'm wondering if it causes constipation? I eat a Greek yogurt, cheese and mix my protein shake with milk everyday.
How about nuts and meat? Nuts have oil in them and meat obviously has some fat.
Hi Scott,

Yeah, I bought a big bag of cashews. I'll be going to town on those from now on. I was taking 1500/day of calcium citrate, but I stopped today to see if that improves things. My calcium/PTH level are just barely in normal range.

Iron: I'm taking one pollysacharide (150) and 2 Bariatric Advatage chewable with vitamin C (each has 60 mg of Carbonyl iron). Between the two, it's pretty much the Vitalady starting dose. Before surgery, I got my iron up from below normal to just above the bottom of the normal range.

Need to switch from chicken (my mainstay) to fatty beef.
If your calcium is barely in range I would not back off the Calcium Citrate as you need it.

Regarding meat, you don't have to do all or nothing for your choice of meat. Chicken is good but maybe eat more thigh meat which has more fat. Mix up your diet as much as you can with whatever it is that agrees with your taste buds. If you are only getting in 70-80 grams of protein and you are doing a protein drink every day, that means your are only getting 40-50 grams of protein from food. Try eating more meat, eggs (sunny side up if you can) and nuts. Additionally I know some might disagree, but eat some vegetables as it will help get things moving as well. Also eat some mayo with your meat, sour cream, cook things in sauces with olive oil, etc. All those little things can help.

and liquids, get in plenty of liquids...the more the merrier.
Yes, definitely. Right now, i just can't put that much down so that's why I'm only able to get 70-80 protein/day. I'm sure, as time goes on, that will increase. I'm amazed by my surgiversary buddy, Mike, who is already up to 120 grams a day!

Right now, I eat a lot of cheese, milk, eggs and chicken. I also do some spit pea soup/beans as they have a lot of fiber and is the highest protein of the veggies.

I have to retrain my brain away from a low-fat mentality. This brutal episode is making it clear.

I don't plan to quit calcium, of course, but right now my butthole is killing me and I don't want to do any damage. These have been the of the most miserable days in memory. First things first. Same with iron. Need to just really up the fats, benefiber, add magneisum oxide and start taking stool softener at night, I guess.
Cream of spinach - veggies a la Liquid Plumber. And delicious too!
We have a great Vietnamese restaurant that I frequent that has an unbelievable lunch buffet. Spicy lemongrass chicken, curry with chicken, potatoes and carrots and then several dishes loaded with veggies including bok choy, celery, onions, etc all star fried in a variety of delicious sauces with chicken, pork and even beef. They also have egg rolls and really loaded crab Rangoon as well as a couple great sauces. Between the veggies, liquid from soup and the variety of curry and other spices it makes the plumbing flow like raging rapids and it is effing delicious.

And Mark I get it is hard to get in too much food at this point. When you said you "eat a lot of.... " I realize you were referring towards those being your main staples and not volume. I couldn't get in much more than you at this point either.... But soups were a great way to get in liquid and protein..... Olive Garden pasta efagouli will give you liquid, protein and sine veggies to help cleanse the colon.

BTW, I still haven't seen you mention how many oz of fluid you are getting a day. Think of it this way. Liquids lubricate the colon and allow things to flow. Kind of like mixing up dry wall mud. If you have too much water it is soupy and if not enough you have a rock. You want towards soupy. :D
retrain my brain away from a low-fat mentality.

man that is a fact! I am fairly early out - almost 7 months - and still struggle with that. Screws with your head!

I would also suggest Miralax everyday - it mixes well in protein and keeps things going well. I have to titrate mine based on how my stools are. sometimes I may not need any but usually every other day.

I agree with @DSRIGGS - dont stop your supplements because you need those. Your guts are still babies so they will continue to change - use the suggestions to get you over the hump till you figure out how much fat you can and need to eat to keep thing running smoothly so to speak.
@Marquis Mark My dh mixes a dose of miralax (he gets the generic at Costco) into his coffee every morning. I happen to like creamer in my coffee so my option was to add butter to my coffee as well as HWC. I keep some fat bombs in the freezer for days when my intake of fat is lacking.

Also, whatever you do eat, make it the regular not low or no fat stuff. Cook stuff in butter.

For suggestions on adding fat, read this thread:

But for immediate relief, use the other methods posted.

Cream of spinach - veggies a la Liquid Plumber. And delicious too!
Delicious yes, as to it being Liquid Plumber, not so much...seems my system is fine with it.
I would say I'm getting at least 80 ounces of liquid/day. Mostly water with a splash of Crystal light (1/3 regular strength). Plus whatever comes in the food. No, not planning to skip iron or calcium for more than a day. I just need the "ring of fire" to subside. I think I have learned a powerful lesson about fat. It takes a while to undue what has been beaten into us our whole lives. But this episode has been a vivid reminder. I know now why seniors prize being regular. Going to start eating like they do in "Leave it to Beaver."

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