Worsening gastric reflux


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
Adelaide, Australia
Has anyone found their gastric reflux getting worse sometime after their DS?

I was on 40 mg of Nexium a day prior to my surgery, which controlled my reflux perfectly. Not long after the DS, my GP dropped my dose down to 20 mg a day. My reflux seemed ok on that dose as long as I was on time with each dose. However, I did wake up with the taste of bile in my mouth and a burning throat a couple of times. After a couple of separate episodes of severe chest pain (which I think was caused by oesophageal spasms) my doctor put my dose back up to 40 mg. But, despite that, I've started getting heart burn. I have some of the 20mg Nexium leftover from the dose change, and I've been taking 40mg at night and 20mg in the morning, and I've got to the point that that still doesn't control my reflux completely.

I posted recently about a baking soda (I thought) taste in my mouth. It was kinda burny, but not like bile and didn't feel at all like reflux. But after that I started getting breakthrough reflux, so it probably was related.

I'm almost a year post-DS now, so it seems really strange for my reflux to be getting so much worse at this stage. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Any ideas as to what might cause it so far out?
Yup, mine got bad a few years out. I have changed a few behaviors, like less spicy and super acidic food, and I take a prescription called Dexilant.
For me, acid reflux is a tricky come and go thing. I take medication and try to eat a lot of Greek yogurt (I think it helps). Bread, pasta, rice, milk products don't help me at all. :)
Well, first of all, it's not bile you're tasting - with the DS, that's impossible, since the bile has been shunted to far down the alimentary tract. But as someone who had reflux pre-op and still has it, I have found that I have to change PPIs from time to time - they just stop working. Aciphex worked for years - until it didn't. I've been on Protonix for a few years now, but had to double the dose to twice a day. Not sure where I go from here - but at least I don't puke in the middle of the night anymore, although every once in a while (2-3 times/year) I will wake up choking on acid. I still don't know what I did that caused it, but it's tolerable. But don't let your doctors minimize reflux - it can trigger esophageal cancer, and it MUST be treated.
Well, I woke up this morning coughing and gagging on acid (thanks for pointing out its not bile, @DianaCox - I hadn't stopped to consider the mechanics of it). What an unpleasant way to wake up!

Thanks for all the feedback, ladies. I'll have to talk to my gastro about changing to a different PPI. According to my GP, 40mg a day of Nexium (Esomeprazole) is the maximum she's allowed to prescribe anyway. Hopefully, my gastro will know more about other alternatives available here. Nexium is the go-to PPI for severe reflux here, but we must have some of the others that have been mentioned here available too, I would imagine. I've been on Nexium for about 12 years now, so had no idea it could just stop working.

@DianaCox, I think my GP just has no idea what else to do. I take it very seriously, though, as I was initially put on a PPI because I had grade 3 Oesophagitis, which I know can lead to cancer. Reflux issues are a big problem in my family. My grandmother died before I was born from a pulmonary oedema, caused by having virtually all her oesophagus removed because of Oesophagitis. Her stomach ended up in her chest.

Just pondering: the last few lots of Nexium/Esomeprazole were a generic alternative. Could that make a difference?
I have the same thing as Diana. I was jolted awake about once a night puking up acid and anything else in my stomach. I to take Protonix., one pill in the AM and one at bedtime 40mg strength each. Two Omeprazole a day didn't cut it. Acid reflux is horrible. Good luck.
I had this problem pre-op for many years. i took Dexilant in the morning and Famotidine at bedtime. Between those and watching what I ate and when, my reflux was about 95% taken care of. Since surgery I've been on only protonix and haven't had one instance. For me I think part of it is the fact I'm not stuffing myself and also I have less weight pushing my acid up and out. Of course I could be 100% wrong LOL
I think it is important, for the record, to note on this thread that if you are on medication for this issue, you should be have routine endoscopes. I've had three, over the past 13 years.
Yeah, I've had a few over the years, but I'm probably about due for another one. Another point to mention to my gastro, although I suspect he will likely bring it up himself.

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