That scared me!

TMI Alert!!!!!

You wouldn't be able to miss it if it happened. Basically, the force of straining turned the rectum inside out and pushed it entirely outside of my body. I've had worse pain in my life - it was definitely not on par with surgical pain, but it was *very* uncomfortable and frightening and disgusting. Also, it was so embarrassing to need to seek help for it, first from my husband, then from the medical team. The worst of it really was that the codeine and my prior meals were still having their way with me afterward. Agony.

on man Hilary, I'm so sorry you experienced and/or are experiencing that :( Curiousity got the best of me, and maybe a tad paranoia, so I google it. I think I would know, but I did tick a couple of the boxes so maybe time to include a daily stool softener or two.
SwitchaRoo, Fortunately, it was a long,long time ago - I should add it was not DS-related. It was following a D&C. Apparently, if you are in your reproductive years and don't get a period for a few years, it *not* something to just be grateful for and ignore. Lots of lessons learned from that event - including that codeine binds and is not for me. I learned last year that Tramadol is another painkiller for me to avoid unless I want insomnia and crazy violent dreams.

In any case, I'm just glad Kirmy's okay and hope she never takes codeine again!! You probably won't need a stool softener after DS - I sure don't! That said, your mileage may vary - some people find some of the vitamins - calcium, I think, in particular - to have a binding effect.
Last night I came perilously close to calling an ambulance. I was scared.....really scared.

We decided to go up to the ski fields on Ben Nevis by the gondolas and Penfold and Myrtle decided we were in fact trying to feed them into doggy compactors which in turn made Myrtle plant herself like a bull and refuse to move. I strained by back dragging her into the moving gondola before she was left behind.

The afternoon I took my only diclofenac mups (dissolvable) tablet. I got no relief and was in agony. After rifling through my bedsides draw I found co codamol I.e. Paracetamol and codeine 30mg. I took two.

Three hours later the burning agony started below my sternum and rapiated through my neck, right arm and shoulder and caused me to writhe and moan uncontrollably. I can see patients with ruptured appendices acting the same way. I was shaking and sweating. I knew I had an ulcer. I also new there was fuck all I could do about it aside from take the hideous PPI's and ride out the storm.

My ulcer mugging lasted 6 hrs. I am the colour of a bed sheet and feel like a kitten in strength. I've got an emergency appointment at 2:20hrs at my doctors but I'm bricking it. I will need to cut fat down, start re:taking shitty Losec and eat a low acid diet. How the fuck will I ever shit again? My God I'm doomed.
A very tired, not very clear Kirmy reporting from the trenches.

Will your stomach heal from this? So sorry for the pain Kirmy
Even with a DS, ALWAYS take colace if you are taking more than one or two doses of a narcotic medication. Shitting a brick is never a good idea.

And DO NOT GOOGLE prolapsed rectum. Trust me.
Kirm, are you sure it wasn't a sphincter of oddi reaction to the codeine?
Marilyn in ohio
Ds in 1994
Dr. Hess
Kirm, are you sure it wasn't a sphincter of oddi reaction to the codeine?
Marilyn in ohio
Ds in 1994
Dr. Hess
Nope I haven't heard of this before....I'll look into this. I have been getting hiatus hernia type symptoms since and haven't touched codeine with a barge pole.
There were lots of ppl with this on the old OH site. Shows up after gall bladder removed. I had my ds in 1994 but did not have a sphincter of oddi reaction til I had a liver biopsy in 2007 and was given iv Demerol. Horrible reaction with classic ruq spasms. Took many hours to wear off. Now no codeine, opiates or narcotics unless taking levsin or Bentyl first. Good luck....hope you figure it out! Very scary.
Just thought of something else....the uncontrollable moaning is common during attacks. Very characteristic once you hear it.
I was literally unable to speak like I was severely winded. I was whispering like a spy and thrashing about as if my appendics was rupturing. It was terrifying if I'm honest and I have a tolerence for weird shit. It was almost spasmodic like a sphincter reflex so you could be onto something.
Sure sounds like SOD (sphincter of oddi) with remaining ruq tenderness. The moronic Dr who did my biopsy kept giving me MORE Demerol, which of course lengthened the misery. He never heard my whispered attempts to STOP the Demerol. Then the jackass accused me of drug seeking. Not good. I have never tried narcotics since then, even though others with sod say it can b done with anti-spasmodic first.
So, I've read all the links and stuff, but what is actually the CAUSE of SOD? Is it the drugs themselves or ones anatomy? I did learn that codeine can mess with the pancreas. First time I've ever read that. :(

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