Low Iron (or what to take to a hematologist)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Low ferritin/low iron sat (and the neurologists and sleep doc's defines it as below 50 for low ferritin and below 30% for low iron sat REGARDLESS of hemoglobin) can be the secondary cause to RLS and or migraines.

Here you go:

What causes restless legs syndrome?

In most cases, the cause of RLS is unknown. However, it may have a genetic component; RLS is often found in families where the onset of symptoms is before age 40. Specific gene variants have been associated with RLS. Evidence indicates that low levels of iron in the brain also may be responsible for RLS.

Faulty Use of Iron or Lack of Iron

Research suggests that the main cause of restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a faulty use of iron or a lack of iron in the brain. The brain uses iron to make the chemical dopamine (DO-pah-meen) and to control other brain activities. Dopamine works in the parts of the brain that control movement.

Many conditions can affect how much iron is in the brain or how it's used. These conditions include kidney failure, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy, and iron deficiency. All of these conditions increase your risk of RLS.

People whose family members have RLS also are more likely to develop the disorder. This suggests that genetics may contribute to the faulty use of iron or lack of iron in the brain that triggers RLS.

What Causes Restless Legs Syndrome?

The exact cause of RLS is unknown.

Primary RLS is the most common type of RLS. It is also referred to as familial (because it is hereditary) or idiopathic (because the causes are unknown) RLS.

Secondary RLS, on the other hand, is believed to be caused by a separate underlying medical condition or in association with the use of certain drugs. For example, some of these conditions include kidney failure, low levels of iron or anemia, pregnancy, and peripheral neuropathy (a problem with the nerves that carry information to and from the brain and spinal cord that produces pain, loss of sensation, and inability to control muscles). Stress, diet or other environmental factors can also play a role in developing secondary RLS.



Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency:

A person who is iron deficient may also be anemic and as a result may have one or more symptoms of anemia. These can include, chronic fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headaches, depression, sore tongue, sensitivity to cold (low body temp), shortness of breath doing simple tasks (climbing stairs, walking short distances, doing housework), restless legs syndrome, and loss of interest in work, recreation, relationships and intimacy.

For the complete list as noted by the Iron Disorders Institute:

The bolding is mine and it's a reminder that while those are TYPICAL symptoms, just because you do not have them (esp the fatigue) does NOT mean anything.

Other things to get and take with you is the graphics in this thread:

A print out of the graphic of the DS is recommended since most doctors do not understand how it all fits together.

And when talking about the DS...start by saying it's a surgically induced short gut syndrome. Seems that turns a lightbulb on while calling it the DS does not.
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Whoa Whoa. I'm excited about this. When we started this journey was iron was TERRIBLE. It's at a great place now and guess what, my menstrual migraines are GONE. Why did NO ONE all these years, after breaking several of my teeth chewing ice, not tell me to fix my iron??? Took a Bariatric doc to see it and say "Fix it".
Is there written recommendation of iron infusion therapy when Ferritin falls below 30%? I'm being told it needs to be below 11% for infusions. I'm thinnking perhaps as DS/BPB we need to stay up above 30%. Note: some of the above references are restricted or no longer exist.
Is there written recommendation of iron infusion therapy when Ferritin falls below 30%? I'm being told it needs to be below 11% for infusions. I'm thinnking perhaps as DS/BPB we need to stay up above 30%. Note: some of the above references are restricted or no longer exist.
No percentage on the ferritin. The percentage is on the iron sat rate.

Thanks for the heads up on the links. I will check them and edit as needed.
No percentage on the ferritin. The percentage is on the iron sat rate.

Thanks Southernlady, you are right. I'm nerved up and running around gathering information as I am seeing a new hematologist today. I HATE educating specialists! I thought this might be interesting to some of you. I have always taken my water from a country well. The water had a high level of iron in it. Since my WLS (fifteen years ago) I've never had a problem with iron.

Last march my values were:
* Iron 87 (50-170)
*TIBC 424 (250-450)
*Ferritin 26 (8 -252)
*Transferrin Sat. 22.9% (20 - 55)

Five months later I moved into town and drink city water. My November values were:
*Iron 35
*TIBC 467
*Ferritin 12
*Transferrin Sat. 7.5%

For me, it was all in the water!
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I just had my second iron transfusion today. My hematologist uses the criteria of ferritin below 40 or symptomatic for a infusion in bariatric patients.
I was told that my Iron Saturation at 19% was no issue. BTW, my iron popped back up from the last panel

i got me a Hematologist who GETS IT! WOO HOO! Seriously, my last Hematologist moved on so I took potluck with the next one to come on. DING DING DING! So the new guy sits down, puts my chart in front of me as says, seriously? I don't know what your last MD was thinking! All your labs indicated malnution...the previous MD even noted possible malnutrition, but then he proceeded to order lab test after lab test...and I kid you not, he told me there was $1,000,000 worth of lab tests ordered on me (all negative of course). I wouldn't be surprised if my old Hematologist moved on, upon suggestion. My new Hematologist kept saying, but this is a basic nutrition problem as a result of mal-absorption. I almost kissed his hand. I told him how hard it was for many of us to get our MDs to hear that. So here is my takeaway, maybe a younger MD has more flexibility of the mind, and updated information. Note: getting my iron infusions in a couple weeks....can't wait.

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