Ceruloplasmin and L-Carnitine


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2016
Hi all! So, my one year labs came in and I was just a really little under in Ceruloplasmin and the PCP and Dr Rabkin told me to take L-Carnitine.

Can someone help explain what is this protein and what the supplement does.

My ceruloplasmin and copper are below normal and I can't seem to get them up no matter how much copper I take (I'm up to 40 mg/day). Did Dr. Rapkin say anything about L-Carnitine raising copper/ceruloplasmin levels? In my labs anyway, they go hand in hand.
I don't know much about this which is why I asked. Not much I could find on Google either.

That said, L-Carnitine is suppose to raise my Ceruloplasmin, but I don't know what this stuff is

I've heard many weightlifters supp with this. Maybe this article can explain it for you

Thank you. I like this line. ;-)

Eating carbs without getting fat: The UK researchers also found that despite having an extra 640 calories of fast-digesting carbs in their daily diet, the subjects taking L-carnitine gained no additional body fat. The group taking the carbs without L-carnitine, on the other hand, gained more than 5 pounds of body fat.
Of course the DS is different
I don't know much about this which is why I asked. Not much I could find on Google either.

That said, L-Carnitine is suppose to raise my Ceruloplasmin, but I don't know what this stuff is

Apparently malabsorptive weigh loss surgeries are a primary cause of copper deficiency. There are several citations. Here's one:


I guess that's why Dr. Rapkin tests for it (although Dr. K doesn't, nor did he know much about it when I spoke to him).

Your cerulosplasmin results will go hand in hand with your copper results (at least mine have and I've had them tested about 10 times each).

Ceruloplasmin is a copper carrying protein. Apparently (and I'm no expert) without it, you might have a hard time getting your copper level up.
Apparently malabsorptive weigh loss surgeries are a primary cause of copper deficiency. There are several citations. Here's one:


I guess that's why Dr. Rapkin tests for it (although Dr. K doesn't, nor did he know much about it when I spoke to him).

Your cerulosplasmin results will go hand in hand with your copper results (at least mine have and I've had them tested about 10 times each).

Ceruloplasmin is a copper carrying protein. Apparently (and I'm no expert) without it, you might have a hard time getting your copper level up.


I just want to be a Dr. Rabkin fan girl here. I went to Mexico for my surgery and my PCP had the DS with Dr Rabkin. I go to his group and he knows I went to Mexico. And my PCP did my labs, but she got the lab test list from Dr. Rabkin and he looked at my labs for me. He did not make any money from me. I do go to his group and I do particpate which helps him get patients, but he just helped me because he is a good guy.
My Copper and Zinc were fine. It was my Ceruloplasmin was low, but not by much. Range is 19.0 to 39.0 and I was at 18.9.

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